Jun 10, 2010 21:18
So I said I would write something awesome, and I've been putting it off. To be fair I've been busy. Like crazy busy. And a little sick, but hopefully I'll get better soon... Anyway, mostly putting this up to remind myself to write and also announce:
Yeah, I'm already counting the days. Oh, man, I can't wait until July! *bounce* Hopefully it'll be nice out on my b-day so we could do a BBQ...aww who am I kidding? It's always a GREAT day on my birthday!! XD
There's only three things I want on my birthday: food (which is a given) a new computer ('cause I need one desperately, my current one is starting to show it's age) and my boyfriend to be there at my party. Er, that last one may or may not come true due to *cough* issues. *sadface*
*brightens* Though, he did come to my birthday last year, so maybe he'll come this year! It was great; I got awesome presents, had awesome food, a bunch of people came over, and we even watched a few hetalia episodes at the party (lol). The only bad part was when my boyfriend got drunk and was vomiting in the kitchen sink. He missed episodes 17-19, which are my freaking favorite ones, 'cause he was puking his guts out. Though he kinda made it up to me later that night. (His drunken flirting is actually really cute...and hot.) This year I'll make sure to keep the rum away from him, yeah...
In any case, I'm really excited for my birthday. XD Less than a month to go!