Author!Anon End + more

Nov 30, 2009 22:18

Title: Author!Anon
Author(s): my bunny co-worker and me; edits done by me ( Read more... )

england, fic, america, canada, hetalia

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sanna_lan December 1 2009, 05:04:04 UTC
Don't worry about the lateness, Al. If I had a lover as hot as yours, I bet I'd be spending a lot less time in Lj too just please tape and share the whole thing with us~ Oh, and WTF? Why would you up the rating for Ch.6? I can't see it now. Well, whatever, it's not like I hadn't read it in kink_meme already >.< but I wanted to see the editor notes

I-I can't believe I wasn't in time for the betting ;-; Well, I would've lost anyway.I did know about his fics, but a girl can always hope, right? Is it possible that no-one else thought about the Netherlands? I mean, the guys sends him flowers every years. He would be a very cute and dedicated boyfriend, I bet. B-But Ukraine seems like a really nice girl too, I guess. She'd better take good care of him. /pout And the whole Russia-and-America-are-now-in-laws business is just AWESOME. Life is definitely gonna get more interesting for you now, eh Al ( ... )


dreamslikeglass December 1 2009, 18:39:21 UTC
We got a few complaints bout the last chapter's rating...
Oh shit, Russia's my almost in-law. Russia. Is. My. Almost. In. Law. asdjkfldasfkjl;f!
Why'd ya have to remind me?! T~T


sanna_lan December 2 2009, 04:32:00 UTC
Silly me, I just remembered that I can log off, read the chapter, and log back in. It was a pretty awesome chapter ^^ Sleepy!Iggy was made of sheer moe.


I learned to do the sparkly text just to remind you better <3


violetzewriter December 2 2009, 04:54:05 UTC
I'm quite proud to call you one of mine.

Rest assured, Katyusha is, er, treating me very well. And Netherlands and I do remain very good friends.


sanna_lan December 2 2009, 08:45:15 UTC
I- Em- *blushes* Wow. Thank you. It's just- I mean, I'm so- It's the first time I- Um- I'm just really really happy to know one doesn't really have to be born in a country to be considered- Er, yeah...

It's good to hear that. She does seem like a lovely person, just not who I was expecting. And I knew you and Netherlands were close! ^^ Is he as awesome as I imagine him?


violetzewriter December 2 2009, 15:21:39 UTC
Well, I, er, peeked at your LJ and saw you saying you were going to prove you were one of mine. And anyone who learns sparkling text just to harrass my brother is a friend of mine. (I know, Al, I'm being mean, but it is a Canadian tradition.)

Netherlands is... exuberant. Very fun to be around if you can handle his energy.


sanna_lan December 2 2009, 19:13:04 UTC
*hug* Thank you. Being Canadian is the most amazing thing ever, just so you know. I'm not planning on ever giving it up ♥ (specially with such awesome bonuses like USA-harassing and poutine-eating)

He sounds great. I really want to visit him someday.

Oh, and Al? Lookit what I found~


dreamslikeglass December 2 2009, 23:08:33 UTC
*clicks link*
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit...Mattie, don't read it!

Poutine? Isn't that gravy, potatoes, cheese, and death on a plate? Sounds worse than Iggy's scones. You should totally eat it in front of France! XD


sanna_lan December 3 2009, 06:02:47 UTC
*snort* Are you really one to be criticizing other people's junk food, Al?

I know it looks kind of squicky, but don't judge it before you've tried it! It's surprisingly delicious specially when made with real potatoes, not whatever that thing they sell in McDonalds (fried flour and colorant, I believe?) is.


dauphkantus December 9 2009, 05:31:50 UTC
You have never made me mourn being unable to pin threads more in my LIFE.

Because that link was win, sorry guys xD


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