Nov 21, 2005 02:32
going home on wednesday after class, staying there 'til sunday. should be a good time.
i am suffering from a serious lack of physical contact. it's starting to drive me slowly more insane. i am seriously behind in the phsycial attention department.
cuddlers, apply within.
i've decided not to think about grad school at all until after the new year (which yes, for those of you keeping tabs, is a decision, but a good one to have been made).
some time shall be spent at the battlefield when i get home. need to get a few things on paper here and there.
i need diner food and diner coffee and diner atmosphere. there are diners in the city, but they are most definately not diners. they are horrid fascimiles.
been pondering a bunch of things lately as well. as to where my energies are focused, as to where i'm going, as to where i would like to be, as to what would happen if i got everything i truly wanted at the moment, as to how to go about achieving said objective... yeah lots to get on paper.
so get this. i'm taking a music class next semester. private piano lessons. that's just funny to me. i really hope they don't stick me with a graduate student that i know more than. should get the creative juices flowing again.
thinking about trying my hand at poetry again. if i do, i'll post them up here. we'll see how that goes. yet another thing to get down on paper.
i really do need a real journal, not just this mead notebook that i've had around forever.
still haven't gotten around to getting a pet yet. still thinking about whether or not i could really take care of one.
i also need a drinking partner in the city. drinking alone, playing WoW, and ending up in teldrassil was fun for a while, but is slowly getting old.
i think that's all for now. more to come.