Why I Need Robotic Smashing-Fists on My Car

Feb 29, 2008 09:26

1) The maroon Honda who cut me off from the left lane to turn right onto I-20 from Industrial, then cut over into the left fast lane on I-20 and almost caused the guy behind him to smash him because he was going 10 under in the fast lane, then continued to go 10 under in the fast lane the whole way to I-49, where he cut me off again from the center lane to take a right onto the exit.

2) The Mrs. Beard's bread truck who tailgated me for miles as I was behind the maroon jackass in the fast lane. That lane was marginally faster than the right lane, but this guy in his half-truck thought it would be awesome to ride my ass. Then he tried to zoom around me as I put my blinker on to get in the lane to exit to I-49. Big trucks can't zoom, so he ended up changing lanes at the same time I did (without his blinker) and then having to swerve into the far right lane. Then shot me a dirty look.

3) The countless people every day who use the striped "do not drive here" area just before an exit as a passing lane.

4) The people that ensure that, every time I need to take a left onto Pierremont from Line, I wait at least three seconds after the light turns green because 75% of the time someone blazes through the red light going down Pierremont.

5) Anyone with bumper stickers that say "Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman", "George W. Bush 2004", or Calvin pissing on anything in their window.

I need to hire Tony Stark to build these Smashing-Fists for me.
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