Books 99-100

Dec 28, 2012 09:34

There's a good chance I will finish at least one more book before New Years. But just in case...

#99: Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan
#100: The Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
These are Wheel of Time books 11 & 12 and this is when the series really gets good again. It feels like Mr Jordan realized how much story he still had to write, so book 11 is full of all kinds of movement in the plot. It's the complete opposite of book 10. It was after book 11 came out that he passed away and his wife chose Brandon Sanderson to finish the story (along with all of Robert Jordan's outlines and notes of how to end it). It was reading The Gathering Storm for the first time that introduced me to Brandon Sanderson. I was so skeptical when that book came out that it would be any good. If you dig deep enough, you may find my post about it here. Then I read it and loved it and went out and bought Sanderson's book Elantris. Read and loved that book even more, so bought all the rest of his books and am now a loyal fan. Back to these books though, it's amazing when reading them all in such a short time to really grasp all the growth in the main characters and just how much has been accomplished in these books. I have only book 13 left to reread before the last book comes out on Jan 8th. It won't take me 2 weeks to read it, so I am sprinkling a few other books in between.

So, at the very least I have indeed hit my target of 100 books this year. Yay me!

So I finished another book.
#101: Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor
This is the sequel to Daughter of Smoke and Bone which I read a few months ago in less than a day. This one took me less than two days to read. As with the first, I couldn't put it down. I just love her way with words and the incredible magical world she's created. This story is full of angst, violence and loss. I can't wait for the next one.

books 2012

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