the never-ending list

Mar 20, 2010 09:03

Costco - groceries and gas (done)
check programming on sprinklers (done)
spa maintenance (done)
wash dishes, pots & pans (partially done)
REI - liner socks (done)
make K. a new lanyard for work (done)
iron work clothes for next week
scrub kitchen floor
rake leaves & winter detritus in front of house
assemble new IKEA desk
paint spot on kitchen ceiling
Lowe's - motion sensor light switches for laundry room, garage
sew skirt
rehab BBQ
BBQ Sunday - skewered shrimp, marinated tritip, chimichuri rice, vegs
go for a walk down by the river
see Alice movie
help AW sort & move books out of living room

now, i know very well that some of these won't get done this weekend. other things will crop up that need taking care of. but this lets me organize my time and sets goals for what i'd like to accomplish. as long as i don't get too obsessive about it...
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