There are days I just fucking hate people. This is inspired by a post made on SF_D. I went to read the original post that inspired the SF_D post, and discovered that I do, in fact, have more than one "rage" button. It started with a debate on eugenics and devolved from there.
Nearly every woman in the world can get pregnant its not something super special.
For those who know my history, you can understand why this gets me ragey. Particularly since it's coming up on Memorial Day. For those who have no bloody clue, here we go:
My mom was 29 when she had me. She had always wanted two kids, and medical science being what it wasn't, she didn't know that in reality her body wasn't really able to have kids. She had severe endometriosis, and she wasn't "supposed" to be able to carry a pregnancy to term. She had two miscarriages--one before me, and one after me. After the last one, she decided not to try again--which turned out to be a good idea, as she had to have a full hysterectomy four years or so later.
She'd always tell me that she was so grateful that she got to have at least one child, and how sorry she was that she couldn't have provided me with a sibling. It was a BIG DEAL to her.
We found out when I was 19 that I had PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome), and that I couldn't get pregnant. At least, not without a lot of fertility treatments, and a huge risk to the child and myself. I'll admit, it doesn't really bother me 'cause I'm not wanting to have kids. But it still galls to be told by some jerkoff online that I should be able to become pregnant easily. Besides the fact that I have family friends who have tried to get pregnant and failed. Or those who get pregnant easily, but have difficulty carrying a child to term. Pregnancy isn't this easy "insert tab A into slot B, wait nine months, and voila! instant kid."
Yes, it's unfair that while Viagra is covered in health insurance, birth controls pills are not. It's horrid that I can go to the pharmacy for the morning after pill AND BE TURNED AWAY because of the pharmacist-on-duty's beliefs about contraception. That doesn't make it right to pass judgment on the rest of the female population that wants to have kids!
This person hates kids (at least the tonality of their comments come across that way). Fine. Whatever floats their boat. I have a friend who shudders and turns green at the very mention of children. It's rather funny to tease him about it. But it doesn't give anyone the license to say "OMG! This shit is so easy to make happen! How could it be special when it's so common?!" Even if it happens easily, it may still be special to the people involved, okay?
I don't know...I guess I'm just rambling on in my own way to figure out why people suck. *sigh*