>.< I typed this entry before but being fucking stupid I accidently pressed the x on the browser and poof it went. Now I'm too lazy to retype it all. But that doesn't matter, it wasn't anything interesting overall and just repeated a lot about Mysty and Valkyrie Profile. I seem to be a bit obsessed with it again, though I haven't played the game due to the tv usually being preoccupied and me playing WoW far too much. Mysty (on WoW) is level 52 now though, 8 away from hitting 60. I been wanting to be creative and draw or write too. But the only picture I managed was one of Aria and Jeremy a few days ago and I don't feel like writting my story. I don't know what I wanna wrote though, maybe I wanna rp, but I'd want to play Mysty and I dunno where I could/would. I also got a summer class, forensic science, but I'm kinda glad since otherwise I'd be just doing nothing anyway and at least it's an interesting class.
I had some weird dreams now and then too. I won't go into detail again, but one from a few days ago involved me being Mysty. It on the same continent as VP took place but everything was changed. And she was trying to find the ruins of Flenceburg to prove to herself that she wasn't crazy and that she really was from there. She found some tower submerged in water on the shore though and that proved that the ruins existed since it was from that time as well. Kept running into a lot of other minor Einjeriar too like Shiho and Lawfer and that guy with the slave girl who's name I forget. Anyway she finally found the ruins but there was some weird battle going on in front of them.
Then tonight I had some weird futuristic dream where some storm was happening and me, my mom and El's family had to go on this space ship thing to get the hell out of here. And then on the futuristic city we ended up in there was some weird train transporting some psychotic killer girl. It was more confusing and I again don't feel like going into details again about it.
The Egotistical Magician, Mystina
What Valkyrie Profile Character are You? brought to you by
Quizilla And now I'mma poof and save this entry before I close it by accident again.