Day 3....Be careful what you wish for....

Mar 05, 2008 23:34

 Snow, Snow and more Snow. I woke up this morning to a sky full of snow. Minneapolis was projected to get about an inch but they got 3-4 inches easily. I'm staying in a fancy shmancy hotel here full of business people so...I got plenty of stares this morning at 7am when i was playing in the snow in my PJ's. It snowed pretty much all afternoon, it was absolutely beautiful.

We had meetings most of the day at Goodrich today. I cannot believe how corporate folks up here. They have more spreadsheets than they know what to do with. And NO decisions get made with having a CI event, which is basically just a fancy word for meeting, about it. Still we made a lot of progress today and it was really great to put faces with names. We also got to look around the plant a bit more today and get a better feel for what actually goes on inside the facility. This particular branch makes all sorts of aerospace equiptment for military and commercial branches....everything from sensors, to wipers, to angle of attack systems and security sensors. We got to see the mateirals being made toady and talk to the people who actually make the materials. We even got to see some of the testing. Pretty neat I must say. We finished a little early and had lunch at the Mall of America again, this time at The Rain Forrest Cafe. Me & Brady wanted to ride some of the rides but we ran out of times. There are so many to pick from though...its like a mini 6 flags!!

We flew out of MN today at 5 and got to Fargo ND a little after 6. It was 2 degrees when we landed. We had dinner outside Fargo at Buffalo Wild Wings which appe
ared to be the happening place in town. From what I can tell there's not a lot in Fargo....when we were landing we got darn close to the airport before we saw anything at all. We drove to Jamestown which is about an hour east of Fargo after dinner. We'll be visiting and inventorying the Goodrich plant here in the morning. I hope we have a little time to look around town tomorrow. Jamestown is supposed to have the only 2 white buffalo in the US and we're going to try and see them....random I know but just the same kinda neat...

I should probably sleep....I'm going to wish I didnt have to wake up in the morning.

PS: It is currently 0 degrees outside...the low for tomorrow is -6
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