Feb 22, 2006 23:44
So I thought I'd give a lil update here :) Incase you didn't know I just landed my first REAL JOB!!! I'll start on March 17th as a Sales Representative for Johnson Supply Company in Pensacola Florida!! I am SO SO SO SO SO excited and yet SO SO SO SO SO SO scared at the same time!! I will be traveling around to their accounts in the US keeping their inventory systems up to date and selling new products as well!! My first assignment will be in CALIFORNIA!! Which I've never been to and am SUPER stoked about!! I also will be Working in Vermont, Texas and South Flordia!! Ah!!! God has def. opened some amazing doors for me lately!! I already even have a roomie which I am SUPER excited about living w/again!! :) I know it will def be a drama free house hold which is always nice!! AND I also am looking for a House!!! Which again I am super excited about!! We even are going to be getting a dog!! So yea!! SO many things going on its hard for me to keep up!! I'm SO excited about decorating and getting new furniture!! Of course I def. will need to invest in the rest of my Vera luggage set for travel too...I mean, thats basically a need!! Just as soon as I get some more money saved up I am def. going to be taking care of that!! I'm a lil drained from our Annual SKI TRIP this past weekend which was SUCH a blast!! We drove up on Thursday and hiked all day on Friday and then Ski'd on Saturday!! The weather was PERFECT!! We even got some snow on Saturday which was So amazing!! And then we headed home on Sunday afternoon....making our new traditional "pit stop" along the way....!! The only downfall to the WHOLE trip was the cold I"ve gotten from it :( I'll be posting pictures soon!! :)
That's all I've got! Hope everyone is having a Fantastic Day!!