
Mar 31, 2004 20:08

Lax started on thursday and its wicked fun sooo far even tho i am the worst player i have ever seen and our team SUX!! anyway im going to give a recap over my wicked intersting life!!:
*Monday-school-larosse practice where i finally confirmed that our coach is the wierdest person i have ever met!and i so annoying and shuld die!

*Tuesday-school-lacrosse practice and we were at school on the fields that had like 5 million sports going on at the same time...and karalyn kept throwing me the ball way over my head and going into the baseball practice!anyway it was funny then!
Then we went to the track pizza party! it was soo fun...our table was all freshman and u culd def. tell cuz we were all wicked imature and catie was being a cannon and shooting popcorn at us...then we got our wicked cool black track STATE CHAMPS sweatshirts!we all wore them and looked like a gang! then BEAU-BEAU slept over we didnt do anything really my dad just yelled at us for not doing our hw...we are soooo BAD!

*Today-lax was cancelled so me leanne and lau went to the library to look up stuff for our gay birthday paper...and leanne broke a computer it was actually pretty funny!!

OC is on TONIGHT!!i am soo excited u dont even understand i live for that show!

>>oh no it was just me<<
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