Short!fic - Eyes Only (Dark Angel)

Mar 16, 2009 12:02

Stream-of-consciousness Dark Angel bug that's been nipping at me all morning. Set post-"Freak Nation". Small reference to the OC Unit. Pairings are Logan/Max and, if you squint, maybe a touch of Logan/Alec. Enjoy.

It's about a week in when Logan starts getting restless for something to do other than watch the police barricade at the gates of Terminal City; he's not as good at sneaking out for supplies or at scrounging up food within the City as the transgenics are, but there's still one thing he has - one thing he can do that they can't. It takes a little while for him to make up his mind, but he pulls Alec aside one day - Alec, because he kind of wants to surprise Max with it, and anyway she's way too busy organizing everybody else. He has to organize himself, and if Alec's willing to help, well, that's bonus.

He's a little apprehensive, yeah, probably because he's still not totally sure how he should be acting around Logan these days, but he says he'll do it - "It might take us a while to hunt everything down; don't get your hopes up," he says, but Logan knows he'll pull through. He always does. It's still kind of new to Logan that Alec has an "us", him being the quintessential loner as far as he knew, but apparently Max wasn't the only one who was attracting new friends these days, and Alec's new group seemed like good people. Very good people, if they were willing to help him find delicate, rare things for a stranger - an Ordinary. He wondered if Alec wouldn't keep that part to himself for a while, given the general opinion of regular humans in Terminal City. He doesn't ask, though. Either they'll help, or they won't.

They do. It takes a little more than a week to get everything set up, and that's pretty much record timing for them. Alec used some connections to get some of the stuff back from Joshua's place on the outside, and the rest was scrounged and scavenged from the city around them. When it was done, it was a pretty impressive setup, and he made a point of thanking Alec for helping him get it together - only once, because the transgenic boy looked half embarrassed to hear it, and Logan didn't generally feel good about making people uncomfortable.

They don't mention Max; they don't talk about what's going on, the enemies at the gate. They talk about circuits, satellite links, how many televisions there are in Terminal City. Logan gets to hear a little bit about Alec's new group, nothing particularly complimentary but he knows the compliment's in his tone of voice, the way he says things and not the words; it's the same way he used to be about Max.

It takes two hours to get a line on the first day they try it, but it catches, and Alec watches over his shoulder until he's sure it's working, and tells him, "I'll make sure she's watching." They both know who he means, and Logan nods, almost imperceptibly, as Alec turns to leave.

"Do not attempt to adjust your set. This is a Streaming Freedom Video bulletin. The cable hack will last exactly 60 seconds." Alec can hear Logan talking down the hall, knows the script by heart now, smiles and picks up his step so he can get Max watching while everybody else is, while it's still going on. "It cannot be traced, it cannot be stopped and it is the only free voice left in the city."

"Damn right it is," Alec mutters, grabs Max's arm, "Turn on the TV."

max, alec, logan, dark angel, random, short!fic

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