Snippet - Wishful Thinking

Nov 01, 2008 18:03

Info: No title, just a quick snippet of a thought I had while reading a (non-SPN-related) book. Season four spoilers, hence the cut. The post is called "wishful thinking" because that's what this is.

Dean wakes up and Sam's gone; he knows where, and he isn't sure yet whether or not he has the energy to be pissed off about it, but he's sure that in five minutes when he's all there and the last of his nightmares have been banished, he will. He's already sitting up, pushing off the thin, institution-quality blanket when he's stopped by a voice his sleepy mind fails to identify at first.

"He's going to say goodbye to her." There's a brief pause, and Dean thinks about asking him what the hell he's talking about, but Castiel adds instead, gazing at him from the edge of Sam's bed, where he's perched like he thinks sitting where Dean's brother did would hurt him somehow, "I know it's important."

The way he says it makes it clear that he knows why, that it's important to Dean and that's the only reason he's even there saying it.

"Good," he manages, speech slurred slightly by lingering sleep and surprise, but he doesn't lie down again; there's something inherently freaky about the idea of falling asleep with Castiel there watching, like a creepy angelic voyeur. "Thanks."

The thanks is uncharacteristic, but so is the information, the lack of cryptic fuckery that's Castiel's usual trademark. It's bizarre, but Dean's not too fussed about overlooking that if it turns out to be true, and he can't think of a reason for Castiel to be lying about this. Lying to make Sam look bad, that he'd expect. This is different.

"Just make sure he never says hello to her again," the angel warns, his tone holding a lot more than he explicitly said, but Dean understands the implications. He wasn't planning on letting that happen anyway, but he knows there'll be a lot more urgency to that now.

"Yeah, I will," he replies, and realizes too late that he's talking to nobody. Castiel's already gone, and it's time to settle in and wait for Sam to come back and prove whether or not he's been lied to.

snippet, supernatural, short!fic, dean winchester, castiel, spns4, spoilers, wtf

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