Snippet - the AU "Faith" interlude

Oct 14, 2008 12:33

"Sammy, if that's you again, sneaking around isn't gonna--" Dean's voice died in his throat when he saw who it actually was at the door, and he swallowed dryly, twice, before he could find it again, staring wide-eyed with shock. "What are you doin' here, Dad? I thought..." His voice cracked embarrassingly when he asked, and he wished he didn't look so freaking pathetic, propped up in a hospital bed like a damn rag-doll and waiting to die.

If there were things he had expected, which there weren't really (dying, eventually; Sam coming back) but this hadn't even been on his radar. He'd had it stuck into his head since Lawrence: Dad was unreachable, he wasn't coming to help them. But somehow, there he was, standing in the hospital room and how had he found him anyway? It was dizzying, and he realized he was gaping and couldn't help it. His father, who he'd spent how many months searching for... and now, when he was dying, search ended barring some kind of freak miracle, his heart beating painful-quick in his chest... now he was standing before him. Now he had come, when Dean was so weak that he couldn't be anything more than pathetically, screwed-up glad to see him before... well, before what was bound to happen did.

Had Sam called him? Had he picked up? Was he just here because it was the end of the road? Would he have come now if it wasn't such a matter of time?

Dean didn't even want the answers. He didn't even care.

dean winchester, angst, snippet, john winchester, supernatural, au, short!fic

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