Yesterday I went to see "The Fountain." The audience was very small, maybe 12 people max. all but around 6 walked out within the first few scenes. Needless to say I loved it, it is a beautiful rendition of a man dealing with the reality of death, where something else is going on on some other, artisticly higher, level. My mother likened it to Finding Neverland, and I agree with her analogy. However the ending of this movie was disturbingly familiar. I am pretty sure I dreamed of a similar scene, or at least a similar headstone.
I am listening to This American Life, and I love it, but it is late so I guess I should go to bed, so i can dream some more...
I drew a comic for a dream I had two nights ago involving a chase scene between two men who have shape-changed into giant bats. I don't know if it will ever get inked but if it does I will post it at
unlike dream comics, no one actually likes to read about dreams
last nights dream was a bit disturbing. In it, whilst down on my luck I met someone and fell in love, soon thereafter discovered that she was polyamorous, and a porn star. Her various other "loves" included a purely lesbian woman, whom she was especially close to, and a couple of coworkers - a male and female couple who seemed closer to each other than anyone else. In my hardships I found myself as a bumbling crew member on an old wooden frigate. I imagine it was in the shipping business. My new questionable love and her entourage moved onto the ship with me, and it was incredibly awkward, but I began to warm up to the group. It was a small tight nit family, and I felt incredibly connected to this woman. But when we got to new orleans, she felt that leaving the boat was in the families best interest, but I felt indebted and loyal to the captain. So she took her entourage, became mormons in order to receive aid from the church. They tossed me aside without hesitation... and that is what was disturbing about it.
Mind you this dream is an amalgamation of various TV shows I watched before bed: (maybe The Fountain,) open water, and some HBO show about porn stars. I imagine the polyamorous part comes from reading a specific chapter in "Everything in its right place" which i found unnerving coupled with one friend who is decidedly polyamorous.