Feb 03, 2005 21:41
So there are some people that annoy the hell out of me, they shall remain nameless in this entry but it should be blatently obvious to those individuals who they are. For things that are said, things that are done and things that are just ridiculous considering the *friendship* - whateva. Bye to you.
And then to the individual who felt the need to comment on my work schedule and wether or not I call into work, which just for the record, I did not - so knowing what you're talking about before you just go saying these things is a good plan for future reference. And please, by all means do not take MY work schedule and responsibilities *personally* when they don't have a damn thing to do w. you. Thanks, that's all.
On an entirely different note, I love my girls. Hahaha... seriously. Leanna D and Liana M came over tonight before peer helpers and we chilled for a bit and then headed out to Kozy's where we all ate for like the second time tonight and none of us were really hungry so Kenny came in to save the day and eat our food, lol. Boys are always good at that. Then we just sat there for like 1/2 an hour after we were all done and talked about the most random things and it was fun ~ We finally left and Leanna was so kinda as to let me go first so the lil brat could tailgate me like no other, to the point where her headlights weren't even visible in my mirrors, lol. Kenny and I just laughed and he's like, I'll flip her off, I'll flip her off! So he did, and she honked and we were being dorks but it was pretty funny, no lie. I think the people in front of us were probably wondering what the hell was going on though, haha *oops* Ummm then we went to MB so we could kill some time & me and kenny got our paychecks. After that we circled the parking lot b.c I told Lee she had to go first so she wouldn't be on my ass and she didn't want to but I won, and she went first -- she's a crazy girl who passed someone and I wouldn't have had time to get arounf them w.o getting crushed by a huge oil truck so Kenny and I lost, but we made it to PH in a timely manner, lol.
Good times kids :P I wish KT-O could have been there, we missed you girl! ;) hehe
~*~*~*~ Mucho Amor ~*~*~*~