Oct 13, 2008 16:56
I was going to write this huge passionate entry about why we must vote NO on Proposition 8, but I've come to the conclusion that I don't have to.
Why must gay people have to defend their right to equal rights? It's ridiculous. Our marriages were not voted upon, neither should theirs.
Gay people have as much a right to marriage as we do. You want to talk about the sanctity of marriage? Let's discuss how interracial marriage was once illegal because it was thought to destroy the sanctity of marriage. Let's discuss how Pamela Anderson is legally allowed to marry as many times as she'd like to while Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon waited fifty plus years to share the same right? They shared one year of marital bliss before Del Martin passed away in August of this year. Because of their marital status, at least Phyllis Lyon was allowed to be at her wife's side. Let's also discuss how John McCain and John Edwards, and countless other heterosexual Americans, engaged in adultery while being married to their spouses, and yet countless dedicated homosexual couples won't be given the same right to show their devotion if Prop 8 passes.
We did not have to fight for our right to marry our partners. Gay people shouldn't have to either.
Vote NO on Prop 8.