Haha I've been bugging my mom for fish forever and she finally agreed to get me some for my birthday. I only have two so far, and the tank isn't fully decorated, cause you know, have to have cool fake tank plants and all that, but we just set it up and bla bla restrictions and blabla.
I really didn't mean for their names to rhyme. CG stands for Cheeta Girl/Colonel Giovanni. And I don't know what BB stands for, but it sounded cute.
This week went by fast. A lot of important stuff that I just let go by because I didn't want to focus on it. I felt like I was losing something someone but now I guess I'm not. Or maybe I am, but I know I'll never be happy with the way things are because of things we can't control. So I just deal.
I have such high hopes for this weekend.
We have to write about someone in our class who was SUPPOSED to answer 20 of our questions with atleast a couple of sentences, but of course I got the most awesome person in the class that feels it's only necesary to write a word or two. So I got to create a whole paper from basically nothing. Which is usually not a good thing only because I try to overcompensate too much. BUT HEY. Oh well.
Adam's Abstract American Dream
Like many Americans, Adam Carlton dreams of having a high paying, sophisticated profession, followed by a relaxing retirement. Though some may choose a different, perhaps more tropical, retirement location, Adam would "definately choose somewhere in Europe." He thinks he would do better with the slower, calmer sort of lifestyle he hears that people have in Europe.
Being Texas born, Adam isn't especially fond of the extreme heat in summer and considerably warm winters. He "enjoys the climate in Europe, especially in London and Brussels." The thought of living in Europe sounds so good to him, he can't decide whether or not he wants to retire there or simply move and live there for his career as well. Adam plans and hopes to someday be a doctor, preferably a pediatric doctor or brain surgeon. He doesn't necessarily have a favorite school, so at the moment it's whichever would be easiest; college, or atleast medical school, in Europe or Texas.
However enticing it may be to live outside of the country in general, Adam admits he would have a hard time living without certain aspects of the American lifestyle and culture. In fear that they listen to different music, or that he wouldn't be able to find an English version of what he wanted without having to order it from the US, he would bring his entire CD collection. He also states that he "would have to get a subscription to watch American Baseball Online" because he is "a baseball nut." This doesn't serve as a surprise, considering during the interview he was wearing a classic baseball sweatshirt with USA in large bold letters across the top. Adam is probably a poster child for the all-American boy, from his sweatshirt to his incessant and subconcious subject change to sports or the next game related technological advance. Which seems out of place, when paired with his desire to move halfway around the world to a place thought to have one of the most sophisticated cultures in the world today.
Adam learned about the importance of doctors and medical care at a young age, when he fell out of his first tree. Even though it wasn't exactly the tallest tree, the impact of the fall was enough to leave him with a sprained ankle and an ample amount of scratches. Before he would let his mom clean his cuts, he begged that she bring him his little plastic doctor kit he recieved for the previous Christmas. As she applied the neosporin and band aids, he got out his plastic stethoscope and proceeded to 'listen' to his own heartbeat. He was fascinated with the whole process of injury and recovery, and has since then paid attention to every medical article and tv show that crosses his path.
That, combined with his seemingly unconventional attraction to the European lifestyle, has brought Adam to where he is today; a fifteen year old boy with aspirations of a life and career millions of miles away from his friends, family, and everything he's known and accustomed to. Although if he had it his way, he would probably choose a couple of his closest friends and family members to accompany him for support in a new environment.
We can only hope that future generations are as well grounded, level headed, and ambitious as Adam Carlton. Perhaps someday we'll hear about the new Dr. Carlton in Europe that just discovered some type of medical phenomenon, or simply an Adam Carlton that introduced and addicted all of London to American Baseball Online.