Series Title: Heart of the Warrior ch 2 & 3 of ??
dreamscarred and
candy_belle Rating: 18
Main Pairings: Ortanos/Evander (Randy/Evan), Agaeos/Jason (Edge/Christian), Midios/Alexander (Miz/Alex) platonic pairing Ortanos/Rhodes (Randy/Cody)
Warnings: angst, sex and political intrigue
Beta: none all mistakes are your own, so please forgive us for any errors.
Disclaimer: We own nothing but we wish we did.
Authors Note; This is a fic set way back in ancient Greece. It is in no way historically acurate (we really just wanted to dress the guys up in greek outfits and admire them!!) but we have tried to be vaguely historical. For the full explination behind this fic and for a list of characters please see
Part 2: The return home Part 3: A sweet morsel