May 02, 2005 15:25
Ok, guess I had what you might call a minor breakdown today.
First three hours of the day were fine. Great, really. And last night was lots of fun, and I hope that more happens there, so I still had all of that with me in the beginning of the day.
Then I got into 4th hr, and realized how much I'm screwing up in that class. And the reason started dawning on me, as well. I mean, I tried paying attention today, I really did. I tried paying attention when he talked to me, when he talked about the book. But I couldn't.
Same thing with Bean. I tried paying attention, but I'm not really sure what we were talking about in either of those hours.
Afterwards, I went to the auditorium. Just sat in the audience for a little bit, but ended up going into the very back, behind that wall, and crying. I just felt so hopeless. There is no focus. There is no control. I've been feeling so happy lately, but the abstract-random-spacey thing has been getting worse. Yesterday at work I couldn't focus, I just walked around forgetting what I was doing. Last night, I kept blanking out of the conversation. We laughed about it, and I was still having fun, but I look back at that and it scares me.
I just can't keep it together. Sometimes I do really well. I'm finding that I'm better in the morning, and it gets progressively worse through the day.
Today, in the back of the auditorium, I just had this feeling like it's starting to ruin my life, and I can't stop it. It just creeps up where it has no business being. It's often funny, but it's also distressing, because I'm not playing around, I'm not trying to be cute. I honestly just sort of fade out. And when I embrace it, when I just let it happen and try to get through it, I can handle it. It's just a quirk that I have when I let it flow. But then, like today, I realize that it's getting in the way. Even right now I'm fighting the urge to get up and do something else. It's hard. I don't like it.
This hurts, and I'm not sure what to do. I'm worried.