Title: Caught in a Bad Romance
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Sue/Will
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 605
Disclaimer: Sadly, I dont own Glee or any of its characters. So this is just entertainment and stuff.
Summary: "Sue?" He breathes out, spinning her back around to face him. "Stop talking."
SPOILERS: This doesn't really spoil anything at all.
A/N: This takes
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Comments 14
Loved it, loved it, loved it!! It's sooo them!!
This was really a treat to get online for.....:)
I love Sue, the woman has a golden heart and an acid tongue and I wish I had her talent for insults. You know she entirely loved that kiss, but she thinks of things to say that are just too good to pass up, if they had actually followed through with it in the show, this is fully how it would have gone down.
Thanks for making me smile :)
Also, yeah.. shes quick with the insults. Quicker than me. It really took me a good ten minutes to come up with that one (With a friends help) .... kind of pathetic, right? Haha.
Thanks for reading, darling!! ♥ ♥
And I DO hope he ran for the Listerine after she left. I mean, [wiggins] REALLY...
I love those moments when we see her veneer begin to crack. I hope we see more of them next year. What that women needs...is some lovin', but from who?
And YES. I totally agree. Sue needs herself some loving, and while I would personally TOTALLY GO FOR THE SUE/WILL LOVIN' (They're my crackship. Shutup.), I'd rather them stick to their love/hate relationship. They work better in angsty angry moments.
Plus. Will needs to be with Emma. End of story.
But Sue. She needs someone... hmm
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