Somehow, a single comment about seeing the Supernatural premiere turned into an essay

Sep 26, 2011 11:01

So Supernatural started back up. And now I'm stupidly excited for the rest of the season. I just started watching last season, me and my college roommates crammed the first five seasons into about 6 months. My sister has watched since the show started airing and sometimes I wish I had occasionally taken her up on her offer to watch it with her (BECAUSE IT'S SO FREAKING GOOD) a few years ago, but I like the way we did it. It became sort of a 1C2 thing. We'd all get together, cook some tater tots, and watch 4 episodes. (We didn't have a clicker for the DVD player for a while, so if we wanted to watch during the first couple seasons, we had to invest. Then we got a universal remote, I got drunk and programmed it like a boss, and everything was great until our other roommate took the batteries out for a different clicker and I had to reprogram it sober. Harder than it sounds.)

But anyway, it became our thing. When spring semester started back up, we had about 4 snow days in the first two weeks. And that was season 3, right there. We were all starting to get stressed from the workload of last semester of senior year, so that was how we unwound most nights. I was working on scores for my senior recital at this point, so I would sit in the living room for hours, rewatching my favorites episodes while painstakingly moving piano markings over to the left a few centimeters. By February I started watching the new eps on CW. Another friend, who then became my barn roommate, watched one ep with me, then borrowed my DVDs and got hooked too. I wrote a number of incredibly stupid stories where we were hunters on campus, battling the demon skunk with the power of Bruckner's Requiem. (Did I mention we were mostly idiot music majors?)

In March, my dad moved out. The next night I was back at school and the episode "Dark Side of the Moon" was on. After the scene with Dean holding his mother, telling her that he loved her and Dad did too, even though he'd left, I had to leave my apartment.

Both Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday, I played church services. And you do not play the tuba in a dress, that just doesn't work. So the night of the first gig, I put on my suit, threw on my trenchcoat to go out in the rain, caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and almost died laughing. I'm pretty sure I snapped a Myspace-style mirror picture and sent it around with a caption like "Raising all ya'll's asses from Perdition."

Then the season finale aired the night before our college graduation. We all had stuff to do that night, but I got download links from the lovely torridpassion and while I waited for traffic to die down after the ceremony the next day, sat in the basement of the music building, still in my gown, and downloaded the last two episodes to watch out at the barn.

Then, to head down a path of even more hokey, the other day I was at the gym and just kind of thinking about how, at the moment, I can't control a lot of the huge things going on in my life. But there are smaller ones that I can control and that's what I'm going to focus on. A day later and I'm watching the premiere. There's Dean going on about having no control over their situation, so he's going to fix what he can, his car. Though, thankfully, as far as I know, my heterosexual life/awkward eye fucking partner has not actually swallowed a bunch of souls and Lovecraft wriggly things. (Right, mybrokenlocket?)

So yeah, that's me waxing poetic about a TV show. We've kind of started a new tradition now, since I'm out of school and back with my mom for the time being. My sister and I decided to watch together when we got out of work on Friday night. I got a six pack on the way home, we got all excited to start the recording, and then my mom came in and joined us, making it even more fun. So we're making it a regular Friday event now. Next week I'm doing my last closing shift at my current job, so I won't be home til 11:30 or so. So my mom's like, "Oh, I can take a nap beforehand and we can still do Friday if you guys want."

Hell yes.
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