Feb 17, 2013 20:42
I cracked these past couple of weeks. My weaknesses were exposed, my faults were thrown in my face and I fell apart. But the good news is that even though I was rubbed raw, to the bone, the flesh is healing and I'm stronger for it. I see what I need to correct and I'm taking steps to make it so. It's a daily battle, trying to change something so deeply ingrained in you, but I do have a good support system that recognizes and understands the dysfunction and won't let me fall back into the shit I've been standing in. They believe in me, and for that I must reward them and believe in myself.
On another note, veganism is probably the best thing I've ever done for myself. I'm taking precautions like taking a multi vitamin and adding a b-12 supplement, but I've dropped at least 7 lbs in the last couple of weeks. Because I have no animal products on the brain, it's easier to say no to processed junk and eat things that are much healthier. I went to an art show yesterday which was called a Bacon Social. They served bacon EVERYTHING. I almost broke, but I stood strong and shoved almonds in my mouth to halt the temptation. I swear, bacon makes the world go round...
I've fallen in love with a new band - The Neighbourhood. There is a hipster movement, and a movement against the movement. Apparently this band has hipster juice. If loving them makes me a hipster, a hipster I shall be. Fuck it. I don't place labels on myself, but I'm not going to worry about it if someone else does. I love my FF8, my video games in general, writing fanfiction, listening to epic tunes, singing at karaoke bars, and dancing like I don't give a shit. <3