May 16, 2006 18:13
13 hours left until I go visit Avon tomorrow....
9 days left until I get to see Lissa again....
14 days left until we are out for the summer....
20 days left until I get my braces off....
59 days left until I move to Avon and leave....
276 days left until I can leave this house for good....
Ever feel that your life is constantly just counting the days, stuck in limbo waiting for your life to finally start? That's how it seems these days with all of the dates floating around me, and they make every normal day I have seem so much more insignificant. Just a few things really keep me going these days recently:
1) Lissa, who is again amazing and I'm so thankful for her.
2) Sadly, that program we're doing in physics. I'm putting so much effort into that even though I could make it so much simpler than what I'm doing. I don't know why but I guess that after so many years saying I wanted to make videogames, this is a test for myself. I know that I've moved on and said that I'm going into creative writing, but it's one last shot and seeing if I could ever grasp it.
My parents *sigh* are starting to become difficult. Mother has decided to hold my phone time to one hour each day and it can only be from 7pm-9pm. It's a rebellion against my using the phone for 2-3 hours a day to talk to Lissa. My mother was complaining to my stepdad that I wouldn't be using the phone so much if I hadn't gotten a long distance relationship, if I had just "stayed with that Angela girl I liked so much" (her words directly). I'm complacent, I'm taking it for what it is and accepting it because in their hands are every opportunity to see Lissa until I turn 18 and can leave. I'm not trying to put Lissa over the rest of the people in my life, but I don't know how to balance it when one group hardly accepts the other.
School overall is just school. The usual, nothing is really changing. The seniors sign out on Friday and the only senior that I really kinda know is Dewayne and that topic is unspoken of because him and Alex don't want to talk about having the long-distance relationship. So that's that.
So, Lissa is at softball so I can't call her tonight because that doesn't fit into my time schedule now. I think I'm gonna either go to bed or try and chill in front of my PS2 and play something for the billionth time. Which is funny because I've not played games in one sitting for more than 10 minutes at a time. Bleh, I just need a change. Okay, I'll stop now because as someone points out at school everyday "no one cares because you're stupid."