IC/OOC Permission Meme

Jun 01, 2020 21:18



Backtagging: Yes and it is loved.
Threadhopping: Yes, but you might want to ask first.
Fourthwalling: Go for it. The only thing I don't want people to tell Misuzu is -- about her death and the fact that she's a fictional character.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): None that I can think of.


Hugging this character: She will appreciate hugs, but from close friends and crushes only. The only way to hug her without being a close friend is whenever she feels sad or it's a fluffy moment. xD Misuzu doesn't usually hug unless she really likes you or feels like you need it. Shy muse is shy.
Kissing this character: Expect her face to turn red! She will only accept a kiss on the lips by someone she has a crush on or loves. A kiss on the cheeks or anywhere else will be okay between close friends or family memebers.
Flirting with this character: Most likely she'll take it as a compliment or it'll go past her head. She doesn't flirt even to people she has feelings for.
Fighting with this character: Sorry, but she isn't the type to fight, so no.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Maybe, but we'll need to talk about it first.
Killing this character: I'll have to say no to this one. Sorry.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Sure, go right ahead, but I don't think anyone has that power in route 29.

Warnings: Misuzu has an illness that causes her to have panic attacks whenever she feels close to the person. Her Togepi will be able to help her through the attacks, but she will have them until she can't hold it in anymore.

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