
Apr 18, 2004 14:43

long time no type for my journal. i felt like it was feeling alone so i figured i would sex it up and add somethign to it. well i got out of work still tired from nights of partying and nights of restlesness. also we have a new addition to the through closed eyes team, will. he is a good kid and im looking forward to getting him in the set.(little girl)... i gotta give marco some props for still being our friends if he still is, cause he had to hang out with us lately. and it was prob mind numbing at the same time annoying. but thats what friends are for. also i got my new sexy bass and belive me it is sexy. i put the green dragon to rest took it apart and mounted it on my wall and it will rest in pice for years to come im gonna miss it. well im done with my chating to myself so for now good bye.

"I like the way you bleed"
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