One day, I stumbled across this book which belongs to Lý Lan (the person who translate Harry Potter into Vietnamese. She's gossiping so many things about Harry Potter and I just want to share with everyone. *
Warning: The book did say that it's unsuitable for children under 13 years old, but I don't think that there's anything mature/inappropriate to it so I'm rating this about T ^^; You haven't been warned, if you don't want to read (cuz there will probably be insults/uncomplimentary things about Harry Potter/J.K.Rowling then do not read.
-------------------------------------------------------------- It reads:
In a dark stormy night, not caring about this world which is being globalize with magical things of publishing everywhere. But the next morning, I wake up and suddenly wonder a silly questions that all silly people - losers - ask themselves: Why do other people’s books sell more than mine?
Let’s compare me and J.K.Rowling as an example: She was born on 1965, so she’s my junior. And she has only written Harry Potter and all the related books. All those are easily told to be fake (^_^) but she can even get herself 15 million pounds for charity raise.
All the related books are just written for the sake of advertising Harry Potter the series and avoid spending Harry Potter’s money and charity. All the charity organizations and even J.K.Rowling didn’t even expect all those related books to be that much successful, so all those organizations keep praising J.K.Rowling, while J.K.Rowling didn’t even mind to write another book.
All the irrelevant info that J.K.Rowling cut from Harry Potter is saved and hid carefully. She said, when the 7th book wasn’t finished yet, that she wrote the last chapter of HP and hid it in a very secret place, far away from her, even she wouldn’t be able to get it easily, to keep the storyline strongly that she thought of when she was on the train many years ago.
When J.K.Rowling was done with the 7th book, the last chapter that she wrote (^) was almost kept the same, even though the story did change slightly. Maybe that slight change is about the main characters that she planned to kill off then revived. Can it be that the character-that-deserves-to-die-in-the-last-minute was Harry Potter?
J.K.Rowling is a Scotlander, here they have some idioms like ‘Never throw anything away, if it is related to near, far, hidden, money comes (I really don’t understand this… It’s translated exactly as she has written… Still no understanding. If any Scotlanders read this, please tell me what she’s writing and I’ll correct it XD). The first-written last chapter. She didn’t anounce that chapter, but didn’t destroy it as well (who would be that stupid?), and still kept it somewhere secret until someone tells her how to make profit out of it. For example: after millions of readers reached the last chapter and wonder how different it is from the first-written edition, J.K.Rowling would say only the person who posesses the key to open the drawer (in a safety locker in a British bank) is able to know it, and only that person can understand the mystery of supernatural creativity of J.K.Rowling. Who would pay a large amount of money to achieve that key? (This time I’m determined to play the stock market to have money for this game~)
Full of Scotlandishness, Rowling wrote thousands pages of Harry Potter on paper. Yes, PAPER. People nowadays gather or sit alone with the laptor in the Internet Café wi-fi and think that they’re cool doing that, but sorry, Rowling is the person who writes on paper.
She writes, then erases, then throw it behind; immediately there will be a dozen of secretaries holding up two hands (oh, 24 hands) and carefully catch and sort them out, mark and number them, keep them in safe drawers, which are complicatedly designed and safely guarded, so when Rowling asked ‘How many times has Harry kissed Ginny?” they will find the right drawer labeled ‘Harry/Ginny/kiss/’ and count for their life all the characters and weirds signs, decide on the exact statistic and report to Rowling.
But that wasn’t the scheme why Rowling patiently move her no-magical pen on the paper of which Muggles made. Of course it’s not like she can’t extract the billions dollars profit on an expensive computer. It’s just that Rowling is a Scotlander and knows that all things concerning Harry Potter can bring money, so all the dirty papers (draft she wrote ^), are ironed, preserved amd safely kept (with an unimaginable insurance amount of money) to wait for selling by auction.
So the next day I wake up, and ask myself that silly question (why Rowling’s books sell more than mine) I decided to find the answer (the most intelligent in the global Internet). Oh my god, I still can’t have the patent for that question (I did researches). Tons of people announced/secretly thought of the problem why Harry Potter sold hundred millions of copies in 10 years.
- Credit to "Tám Harry Potter" - Lý Lan - Văn Nghệ publisher
- I'm just the translator here, so no flaming me.
- Don't swear/insult too much on comments.
- Please comments if you read this.
- I'll keep translating so if you want to keep track, please
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