Tutorial #23: Christmas

Nov 22, 2006 22:55

I'm getting in a Christmas mood seeing al those tutorials with pictures of Christmas things =]
Go from

Made in Photoshop 7.0, but it is translatable to other programs

I found the picture on Veer.com

Step 1:
Choose your picture, crop it and sharpen once.

Step 2:
Duplicate your base and set it to Screen 100%

Step 3:
Duplicate your base, drag it to the top and set it to Hard Light 100%

Step 4:
Create a new Hue/Saturation layer [Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Hue/Saturation] and up the saturation to +30

Step 5:
Create a new fill layer, floodfill it with #9BE9FF and set it to Soft Light 100%

Step 6:
Create a new Color Balance layer [Layer >> New Adjustment >> Color Balance] and use the following settings:
Shadows: -100  +100  +100
Midtones: +100  0  +20
Be sure that Preserve Luminosity is ticked.

Step 7:
Duplicate your base, drag it to the top and hit Shift+Ctrl+U to desaturate the picture. Set it to Color Burn 50%

And you are done!

Other icons with this tutorial

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[x] Credit me if you want to use one of the icons
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[x] Enjoy!

tutorials, christmas

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