Oct 03, 2005 01:42


the judge looked at the plaintive curiously as he restated the happening he believed took place that horid night. "I............I.........the, the............I....."the plaintive squirmed. The judge was taken aback by the deep unending trail of pain that seeped through the mans bloodshot eyes. "It,........her.........."a long silence stabbed the jury like a knife"toot" The audience burst into gasps and mumors. A jury woman broke down into tears.. The judge looked at the man in relentless confusion. "TOOOOT" the plaintive screamed. "too, ToOt, TOOT,to, too toooooooo toOt toot TOOt TOOt tooooooooooooooT" the insanity of the man, the anguish that bleed through every word horified the judge. To see a pain that raw, that real drove the judge into an adrenaline rush. He slammed the gavel in hysteria."Silence" he screamed."there will not be chaos in my court room." the man's thrashing faded."toot..........."the judge mumbled "TOOT?" he laughed"who is this toot character you speak of" silence suficated everyone in the room "a single person...........a single"toot", could cause a reaction such as this?" words dangled from the mouths of the strong willed. The judge grunted" Let me see this, toot character...................bring in this..........."toot" character......."A hesitant moment before the balif moved "Well, go on" the judge persisted. The balif walked towards the door as if his legs were solid led. The court was still as if frozen in time. the balif turned once more toward the judge not even having to utter a word. The judge nodded sternly........ the jury held their breath in suspense. A single tear ran down the face of the plaintive. Faint words could be heard shotting from the ends of his lips"........................................... Nobody move..............................." As the bailfs hands nudged the end of the knob, a undescribable tension could be felt against the door. the door slipt ajar. A pasty white heap of flesh slowly gushed from within. The balif stepped bac. His heart stopped knowing he had made the mistake that would end his life. A final word dripped from the plaintive "too-"before he could finish the doors exploded violently. wood chips inpaled several screaming witnesses. White unending goobs pummelled the jury. And mutalated the few squealing for any sign of relief. It poured in like thick syrup. engulfing and consuming all signs of life. 5mins past. Dust and blood drenched the air. All left was the judge. The behemoth and neverending examples of death. the judge coughed from his weather face. "Guilty!" He screamed"Guilty" He shattered sound "GUILTY!!!!!!!!!" the blob cried"but I didn't do anything!!!!!!!!!!!---" He stabbed her with words"IT DOESN"T MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" .......................................................He was never heard of again.
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