For Sheera, who wanted some Jessica/Niki.
Are You Ready?
"You can't block me out."
The voice was not hers... could not be. It was too strong, too confident, too... too Jessica. Niki held her hands in front of her eyes, her knees brought up close to her chest. Micah was at a friend's house, and she had no one to act as a buffer. "Go away!"
"I am you, I can't go."
"Just stop talking to me! Please!" Niki pleaded, moving her hands to her ears and scrunching her eyes shut. "You have no reason to be here! I don't want to be crazy! I just want to be alone in my head! Why won't you let me be alone in my head?"
There was a pause.
"Do you really want me to go? Are you ready to face the world on your own?"
Niki opened her mouth in time to say 'yes' but could not. She wasn't. She wanted to- god knows she wanted to say yes and mean it- but it would be a lie... and they both knew it. Jessica gave her a gentle smile in the mirror, looking more like Niki than her reflection.
"You see," Jessica purred, running a finger along the side of the frame before flexing her wrist. "You can't accept us and so we'll never be apart. Together." She pointed to her heart, and Niki found her hand over hers.
Niki took a shuddering breath and touched Jessica's shoulder. "But..."
"I'll take care of you and Micah." Jessica whispered, eyes unyielding.