In her mind, whenever she was just about to go talk to the woman, or work just wasn’t going anywhere.
In front of the mirror, usually when she was wearing something sexy.
“Stay quiet, dear one,” she whispered to the dog in her lap, combing her fur with dedication. “Good girl… You know Alex, the woman I work with who brought you some treats the other day? Well honey?” she smiled when the dog let out an affirmative-sounding yip. “Aren’t you so smart! And pretty too! Just like Alex, you see… Hey, can you tell me if this sounds foolish?
“Hey, Alex, thanks for the computer! I was thinking I could treat you to a movie - or a meal if you’d prefer…”
She sighed when the dog whimpered. “I thought it sounded silly too…”
“Claire, how lovely to see you!” Gloria opens the door, pulling the woman into a hug. “What’s going on? You sounded frustrated on the phone and you look tired.”
“Haven’t been sleeping well.” She breathed in the ex-soldier’s scent, finding comfort in the knowledge that she had fixed her mistake, giving a woman her life back.
“You work way too much dear,” Gloria scolded, ushering her into the sitting room. A plate of snacks was already on the table, set directly in front of the chair Gloria gestured Claire to take. “Haven’t those two boys you work with corrupted your work ethic yet?”
A wry smile. “They’ve tried, but Darien wants me to work and Bobby is smitten with the both of us.”
“Then what is bothering you?
“I’m interested in Alex Monroe, and I’m…”
“Why don’t you pretend I’m this Alex person then?” Gloria’s smirk widened when Claire blushed. “Practicing with a person might help.”
In her dreams, she was smooth and relaxed, and Alex always said yes with that cultivated smile of hers.