
Jul 27, 2005 02:57

Title: Control
Fandom: Yami no Matsuei
Rating: General
Words: 642
Notes: Tatsumi and Watari centric with a bit of Tsuzuki thrown in for flavour
Summary: Tatsumi is a control freak and Watari does not appreaciate money restrictions.

It was easy to say that Tatsumi had excellent control over himself and the money under his direction. Everybody in the division at JuOhCho has commented on it at least once. Watari commented on it almost every day, especially when he was trying to weasel the man into giving him more money for his lab work. His success rate was pitiful; though everybody else’s was worse, except maybe Tsuzuki. Even the formidable secretary had trouble squashing Tsuzuki’s every request.

Watari had his own advantages though. Tatsumi had to admit that he was a brilliant scientist, if not slightly crazy, and he was a good worker when it counted. It was Watari’s fondness of putting potions in the staff coffee pot that made Tatsumi restrict the money flow. He hated to see the money go to waste on some type of gender changing potion that never worked or, even worse, any unnecessary experiment that caused the lab to explode. If that happened, the secretary avenged the loss by cutting Watari’s budget further, making the scientist storm into his office protesting that it was not his fault that the potion exploded; it was because some ingredient had been too old to work and whose fault was it that Watari could not even purchase decent ingredients with the budget he had?

Tatsumi usually watched these theatrics in amusement; Watari’s face was funny when he was flustered, his hair coming out of its restraint, usually coming out at the weirdest angles. His hands moved up and down, making gestures to emphasize his statements and making it difficult for 003 to keep her balance on her indignant human’s shoulders. The secretary waited patiently for Watari to run out of steam, asking him politely whether or not that was all, finally dismissing him without giving Watari the funds he wanted. The scientist would then storm out of the man’s office, his rage renewed, and go back to his lab. Sometimes he would complain to Tsuzuki, dejected at the treatment he received once the rage dissipated a little.

In response, Tsuzuki tried to appeal on Watari’s behalf. He did not like seeing anybody unhappy, especially the usually chipper Watari. His efforts to wheedle an apology out of Tatsumi were usually ineffective and the secretary never gave in to his former partner. When accused of wanting to control everything, he calmly pointed out that the division would degenerate into chaos without him.

He was right and everyone knew it. Watari mumbled that he did not have to be so zealous about it all the time.

This was slightly unfair to the shadow master since he did loosen the reins a little every once in awhile, not enough to be overly generous of course but decent.

It happened to Watari a few days after he calmly pointed out certain truths to Tatsumi. The shadow must have been impressed by his co-worker’s self-restraint, something that was rarely shown, because he authorized a slightly higher budget for Watari’s lab works.

When Watari found out about it, he drifted over to Tatsumi’s office and tackle-glomped the man, who took a step back to stay upright. The shadows helped Tatsumi keep his balance but his glasses were slightly crooked on his nose and his eyes were a little wide. Watari appreciated his reaction, knowing that the equivalent of the response on anybody else would be a open mouth and perhaps some type of stunned babbling.

Then Tatsumi pushed him away, adjusted his glasses and gave Watari a Look that promised serious damage to Watari’s person. The scientist decided that it was time to get the hell out of there before Tatsumi cut his budget to shreds and ran before the secretary could maim him.

Over his shock, the secretary returned to work. Watari would probably leave him alone for the rest of the day now.

between 500 and 1000 words, fanfiction, ynm, one-shot, short story

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