Austen20in20 Round#5 - Miss Austen Regrets

Jul 26, 2010 11:42

My first 20in20  - it had to happen at some point ;-P
These are made for austen20in20 from Miss Austen Regrets


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}graphics: icons20in20, *theme: miss austen regrets, }graphics: icons, *theme: jane austen

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borg_princess July 31 2010, 04:12:23 UTC
She is a lovely actress isn't she? I realised today that she is in the BBC version of Emma with Kate Beckinsale.

I need to see more of her movies. But I think the reason I don’t watch some of them [like this one] is because they’re sad, and I love her too much to see her have a sad ending. >_<

Also, some of the Shakespearean movies make my head hurt because I need to have subtitles on and rewind scenes all the time to try and make sense of what they’re saying, lol. [But I do love Much Ado About Nothing, have you seen that? It’s so funny!]

That said, I’ll probably end up watching Emma for her, anyway. I’ve seen a bit of it before, but I think that was the Gwyneth Paltrow version? They make so many adaptations, it’s hard to keep track!

I have a few irons in the fire at the moment - but will get to your icons in the next few weeks. Thanks for all the images and phrases, and the time it took to compile the message :-)

No worries, sweetie. You’re doing me a giant favor in taking the time to make them for me, I’m not fussed how long it takes. Thank you for being so obliging! *hugs*


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