
Feb 16, 2005 16:05

do you's ( Read more... )

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sexxiunderpants February 16 2005, 13:25:38 UTC
do you's

1. do you think im cute? heck yes

2. do you want to kiss me? yes

3. do you want to cuddle with me? i sure do

4. do you want to hook up with me? sounds good to me!

5. do you think i'm smart? not in algebra ;)

are we's

1. are we aquintences? more than that

2. are we friends? yes

3. are we hook ups? who knows?

4. are we in a relationship? yes :)

5. are we gonna have kids? not tomorrow ;)

am i's

1. am i smart? gosh, i answered this.

2. am i cute? and this..YES!

3. am i funny? funnier than me!

4. am i cool? of course

5. am i the most brilliant person ever?...hehe? you know it

would you's

1. would you hang out with me? yes!

2. would you date me? i am dating you

3. would you be my hook up? maybe

4. would you be my girlfriend/boyfriend? i am already

5. would you have sex with me? not tomorrow

have you ever?

1. have you ever thought about me? once every three seconds

2. have you ever thought there might be an "us"? yeah

3. have you ever thought about hooking up with me? oh wow.

4. have you ever found yourself wanting a kiss from me? yes

5. have you ever wished i were there? all the time

are you's

1. are you done with this survey? not yet

2. are you happy you know me? very happy

3. are you mad at me? heck no

4. are you thinkin bout me? of course i am

5. are you going to repost this so that i will return the favor? already did



dreams_of_decay February 16 2005, 13:28:50 UTC
not tommorrow... damn. just kidding.



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