Feb 27, 2004 15:56
Ms. Rubin made me cry today. I didn't hand in my Hamlet essay and she was telling everyone how we're going to do bad in college and stuff cause we can't even hand in an essay in an advanced placement class. Then our guidance conselor Ms. Williams came and told us about how many credits we need to graduate and college-related. Then Ms. Rubin told us about how we were the worst class she's had in like her 25 years teaching. She was like "if you compare this class to other advanced placement English classes around the county, we'd be the worst." and then she embarssed someone by having him pull out the notes he took within the last week on Hamlet for Ms. Williams and it was only like 2 pages and then she pulls out her fucking NYU notebooks out of a drawer and starts showing us shit she did in college and how "this is what you need to be like".
She made me feel like complete shit. I am never up to anyone's standards. Ever. Newsflash, I'm not going to fucking NYU.
I tried avoiding her the next period cause I need to type the essay cause I told her I had it on a disk. I tried to find Mrs. Litt so I could have her open her room and let me type it up in there but I ended up running right into Ms. Rubin, she was like "where's the disk?" and I was like "I really don't want to speak to you right now" and then I told her didn't save anything to a disk but that I wrote some of the introduction and she was like "You lied to me?, You lied to me?" (notice the repeatingness) It sounded like a soap opera. Then I broke down in front of her and she was telling me it was only because she caed about my future and shit. I don't care. I don't like it when people make me feel like I'm not good enough for something.
I wrote it up during 3rd and 4th in Mrs. Litt's and gave it to her. Didn't say one word when I handed it in.
Kevin got mad at lunch cause I said something to Alexis about not kicking Kevin cause it might dirting his pants. Then Kevin was bitching because he said I think he's the most conceited person in the world. Not true. I think he can be full of himself. I mean, he spends way too much time looking into the mirror than he should. I don't know. I don't think I'm jealous. He just annoys me. In Litt's class, it was weird. We were going to play a game with some props and she broke us up into groups and I was working with Jessenia and Yahne and Jessenia gets called to the main office then comes back in crying 5 minutes later. Her little cousin died. =(
So we didn't do the game. There was an awkward silence for a little bit and then we discussed Passion of Christ. I saw it last night. That's a whole other entry in itself but that was interesting. The movie is crazy. Painfully moving, poignant, and powerful. I really want to go to chruch, now.
Okay, I'm about to go play some basketball. Byeee.