micros are teh sexx0rs.

May 08, 2007 21:52

So I finally got my hands on a gameboy micro for myself. I've sought after this small piece of sexy for quite some time. It's so small and perfect and every way and I must honestly say I love it. One last item I need to complete my search is a WORKING copy of Luigi's mansion for the cube since I never got to play it. They had a copy over at Clark's store but unfortunately for me, it was defective. Too many games to play right now on too many different consoles. I'm having a really hard time right now choosing between my hand helds and my actual consoles.

Well two finals down and one to go this Thursday, it's CIS so I'm not worried at all. There's supposedly talks of a promotion in the cards for me so I can only hope that plays out to my advantage, either way I just got a raise so w00t. Now I just need to work on finding a mother's day gift and I'm set.
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