fic: fire your engine

Oct 16, 2012 23:07

title: fire your engine
pairing: chris/darren
rating: R i think idk pg-13 what are non smut ratings how do you do not smut ratings im sorry

summary: For such a big city, LA could sure seem confining sometimes...

a/n: for jordan because she's the darren to my chris and my other half and my boyfriend so i had to write her something for her birthday duh. title + lyrics from engines, snow patrol *______*


For such a big city, LA could sure seem confining sometimes.

It was one of those summer days that made Darren miss home. He missed the beach, he missed the tang of salt on his skin, nights laying on the grass with his friends just chilling under the stars, playing music and laughing until they couldn’t breathe. His apartment was just stifling and it felt like a cage and he just needed to get out. Chris had a few chapters due next week and he had songs to write for his new album and they both had filming in the morning but they never called in sick and honestly, Darren was three hundred percent done.

He didn’t even care any more.

It took surprisingly little to convince Chris - not that he would have let him protest if he tried. He told him where they were going and they left a note and their phones at the apartment, taking their keys, a bottle of too expensive wine that they’d never gotten to drinking, and Darren’s guitar and they just left.

They took turns in driving as the sun set overhead. The skyline looked magnificent as they hit the road, the windows rolled down as they drove on, one of the many playlists Darren had made for Chris blasting from the speakers. They sang along loud and off key, just because they could and it felt so stupidly freeing, like breathing. That was the beautiful thing about music that too many people forgot - it wasn’t about being good or sounding amazing; it was about nothing more than feeling; the kind that didn’t need care or words or a fucking studio. They didn’t need anything but them and their beautiful, beautiful lungs.

(Use me for rocket fuel)

They stopped at a local petrol store to stock up and Darren took Chris’s cowboy hat that he had stolen off set and his glasses to try and disguise himself as he went in and bought them cheap sandwiches and cigarettes. Darren kept the hat on even as they left, only for the way Chris’s eyes crinkled as he laughed, full hearted and unabashed, like there was nothing holding him back.

And tonight, there really wasn’t.

The night was humid and thick but they didn’t let it bother them. Chris wrinkled his nose as Darren’s cigarette smoke spilled through the car, but even he had to admit it was sort of beautiful in the way Darren’s fingers curled around it, quietly seductive, his lips devastatingly gorgeous as the grey ghosts poured from within them. Darren was gorgeous and tonight was gorgeous and anything could happen, and it was that thought that sent shivers rolling down his spine as he let Darren light him up one, holding it to Chris’s lips as he tried to keep his focus on the road instead of the soft press of Darren’s hand, steadying on his jaw.

In interludes between roaring sing alongs, they traded stories to keep the minutes moving. That was one of the things Chris loved most about being with Darren. They literally never ran out of things to talk about. They had so many things in common, the same sense of humor and they both loved to talk - but just as much to listen. Chris was just as content laughing along as Darren relayed one of his college escapades as he was to prattle on about one of his misadventures with the castmates in their early months in LA. It was so crazy to think that they had lived without each other for so long when it felt like they had always been in each other’s lives - and yet, they still had so much to learn about each other. Chris loved learning new things about each other each day.

(What will you remember?)

Four hours into the trip they realized they were lost and got into a bit of an argument, Chris pulling over the side of the road in frustration. They never fought physically, although sometimes Chris wished they would. He wondered sometimes if they would if he was just another one of the guys, but deep down he knew that no matter what people said, vicious words left bruises harder than any punch ever could. Scratches faded - mental scars… not so much.

They’d been shouting at each other for about ten minutes before Darren realized what they were doing and turned around with a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair and trying to calm himself down. He could still hear Chris behind him and he gritted his teeth, sinking to the ground, hugging his knees.

“Just… stop,” he growled and to his surprise Chris listened to him. They were silent for a few moments before he heard Chris sigh audibly behind him.

“I’ll be in the car. When you’re ready we’ll go up to the motel we passed on the way and ask for directions.”

“Okay,” Darren murmured, sure Chris understood, letting his eyes fall shut as he collected his breath once more. Once his anger had seeped over he got up and got in the car. And Chris drove on.

(See if I give a damn)

They did make it back to the motel - a dingy little thing and Chris wrinkled his nose as they stepped inside, trying not to notice the rusted door frames and the creaks in the floorboards. The lady at the front desk was blissfully helpful, if not overly so (much to Darren’s amusement as she batted her eyelashes up at Chris, her cheeks blushing as he thanked her fervently for her assistance).

“She was totally into you,” Darren whispered as they headed back to the car.

“Shut up,” Chris mumbled, shoving him a little. “You can drive now.”

“My pleasure,” Darren grinned. “As long as you get me tickets to your wedding.”

“Fuck you,” Chris laughed. “And only if you play at the reception.”

“Now we’re talking.”

(Use me forever)

Just like that it was easy to fall back into their usual banter, although it was lost once a Bee Jee’s track came on and they didn’t even need to exchange a look to know they’d be singing for hours.

Darren did stop to notice, however, how visibly Chris winced as they passed through his home town.

(He kept his hand, steady and comforting, on his thigh at all times).

“I wonder what they’d think,” Chris noted quietly, “if they knew I was here.”

“Chrissy,” Darren whined in the best impression of Chris’s mother Chris had ever heard, “you shouldn’t be out so late you have work tomorrow and you know how you get in the morning, isn’t that right, Darren, sweetie?”

It wasn’t what Chris had been asking at all but he burst into laughter anyway, and they both had tears in their eyes, laughing so hard that Darren had to pull over until he calmed down enough to be able to concentrate on the road again.

(Caught in a gorgeous howl all the world lost in noise)

They drove on until they reached San Jose, both of their stomachs grumbling and eyes starting to droop. They found a cute little all night diner that Darren instantly dragged Chris into, making him pay for their donuts and coffee (with extra cream and caramel because well, they were worth it and Chris was paying so).

The ladies eyed them with amusement as Chris smudged caramel into Darren’s eyebrow and Darren got him back by giving him a cream moustache. Their jaws quickly slackened though as Chris grabbed at Darren’s shirt and tugged him halfway across the table until he licked it all off.

They left with laughter back in their eyes, their hands swinging between each other as they sung along to the old Amy Winehouse tune that had been playing in the diner. Chris was just happy because last time they had heard her had been at his 22nd and Darren spent 20 minutes sobbing into his shoulder about what a goddess she was and how much he missed her, despite Chris’s confusion over the fact that they had never actually met…

Chris insisted on taking the wheel once they reached the car, knowing full well that once Darren got lost in the sights of his hometown he would be far too excited to drive. He was confident Darren would be able to guide him around though. There were just some things he would never forget and the schematics of his home town was definitely one of them.

His predictions were correct and less than an hour later Darren was singing his praises as they rolled through the streets of the town. Darren had always gone on about how much he wanted to take Chris here and now the day had finally arrived. Chris had to admit he was a little excited himself. He had always wanted to see the place Darren grew up - although, somehow, he always imagined it would be in daylight…

It was nearing one in the morning by the time that they pulled up to the beach that Darren had insisted they go to and Chris pulled the engine, a wide smile spreading over his lips, Darren’s excitement utterly contagious.

Darren was out in less than a second, rolling up his jeans and the sleeves of his hoodie and reaching for his shirt. His face was clean shaven from being on set today but he had grown his hair out as long as he ever dared to when still filming. It was a frizzy mess since Darren had let it air dry after washing the gel out, but Chris liked it this way, when he was able to run his fingers through it. He knew any attempt to would be futile now as Darren was way too buzzed up to sit still long enough for him to do it. But he was content, instead, to let Darren grab his hand, his eyes bright and surer than the moon bathing the beach in cool light as he led him down to the beach, the sand warm between their toes as they ran, the wind lapping over them in blissful waves.

Once they reached the water, Chris shivered as it ran over his feet, surprisingly cold, but Darren was utterly content, kicking it all over the place as he laughed without restraint.

(I know I love you like the sunlit water on your skin)

Chris had to join in laughing, even as Darren splashed him in his frenzy. He gave as good as he got, though, cupping the salty spray up with his hands and chucking it at him. He let out a loud shriek as Darren ran for him, grabbing him from his legs and hoisting him over his shoulder.

“You put up a valiant fight, fiend!” he declared triumphantly as Chris kicked at him, choking on his uncontrollable laughter. “Prepare for thoust graceless defeat-“ Chris shrieked louder than ever as Darren dunked him under the water and he spluttered under the icy depths, kicking his way to the surface, trying to fight the tide as he grabbed for Darren’s knees, pulling him under too, drowning his laughter.

“That was so uncalled for,” Darren noted later after they had called a truce and clambered up on the sand banks, their clothes plastered to them as they laid back, eyes cast to the stars.

Chris shook his head in bemusement, even though he knew Darren couldn’t see him. “You’re an asshole,” he said, just so he knew.

“Takes one to know one,” Darren teased. “And I have it on the authority that you’re quite well acquainted with that bodily feature…”

“Darren.” Darren laughed quietly beside him and only then did Chris realize their bodies were pressed together, and he could feel the quiet shake, the movement of Darren’s lungs, working under his chest.

(I know I love you like the million times I never said)

He started to feel cooler now, bathed in wet water and whispering breeze. It would have been nice if not for the sand, plastered to their skin and rashes growing in uncomfortable places.

“We totally left the wine in the car, didn’t we?” he murmured to Darren.

“I can go get it, if you want,” Darren offered thoughtfully and Chris leant over and patted his stomach absently in thanks.

“No, it’s okay,” he said softly, feeling suddenly rather comfortable where they were. “Can we just… stay here for a moment?”

Darren twined their fingers, set on top of his torso and didn’t squeeze, just held on as they watched the stars, still in their perfection, an umbrella of magnificence washing over them wherever they went next.

“We can stay as long as you want.”

(I know you love me like the past, the now, the coming years)




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