fic: happiness hit [him] like a train on a track

Sep 23, 2012 14:09

title: happiness hit [him] like a train on a track
pairing: bliss (chris colfer / blaine anderson)
word count: 5000 (a little under, i think)

summary: Blaine graduated from Dalton and went to LA to stay with Cooper and start auditioning for singing and acting opportunities. There he meets Chris Colfer Golden Globe winning actor and single, hot, gay man. (for this prompt on the gkm).

a/n: title taken from 'dog days are over', florence and the machine. unbeta-d unless you count google docs handy spell check *u*


New York was literally everything Blaine had dreamed of.

Okay, so maybe it was a little gross - Blaine had never exactly been too fond of birds due to an unfortunate incident when one mistook his ungelled hair for a nest as he was a kid (something he was too embarrassed to admit was the reason he always wore gel), so he didn’t exactly cotton on too well to the pigeons - but there were buildings everywhere, looming over him like glorious castles. But this was better than any fairytale. Sure, there were no stars, but how could stars compare to the glamour of the entire city utterly lit up at night, never stopping, never resting for anyone, and the mass of people... they may have been rude but they were so alive.

The world was a beautiful place, and in New York, Blaine felt like he was at the heart of it all.

He had been looking forward to this since he first started in high school and decided what he wanted to do with his life - performing. New York was the only thing that got him through graduation and made all the stupid drama he had to suffer through first, almost worth it.


Cooper had convinced his parents - miraculously - to let him move in with him under the promise that he would call three times a week and visit on all holidays (most, Cooper insisted, Blainey has to spend Christmas in New York - he’ll love it). Cooper had always been the charmer of the family, and Blaine could only hope that he could follow in his brother’s footsteps - on all accounts. He had promised to put a good word in on him with as many connections as he could and had already set up a few auditions for him before he even arrived.

But on his first night in, Cooper had a secret plan.

He had picked him up from the airport (saving him from the swimming crowd) and after a quick but heartfelt reunion, took him straight back to the penthouse apartment he kept. It was gorgeous, and Blaine knew he must pay a fortune for it, but Coop assured him his last paycheck would more than cover for them both, for which Blaine was grateful, knowing it would be a while before his first paycheck came rolling in.

Cooper ordered them in a pizza and while they waited, gave him a grand tour of the place. Blaine was in awe of everything, but somehow could still see himself fitting right in. With his brother at his side, however, he knew nothing could go wrong.

They ate dinner and Blaine caught Cooper up to speed on the last few pieces of family drama he’d missed between now and graduation but afterwards, Cooper sent him off to the shower, telling him he needed to get ready quickly.

“Where are we going?” Blaine asked, frowning a little suspiciously. He was quite tired from his flight and had honestly been looking forward to a night in with his brother, junk food and the latest season of Teen Wolf - even Cooper had to admit the guys were hot.

“You’ll see,” was all Cooper would say, shoving him towards the bathroom.

At Cooper’s request, he showered quickly, scrubbing himself free of his taxing day, lathering himself with expensive soap and body wash, quite unable to help himself. When he was done he headed out into the bedroom where Cooper had already laid out clothes that looked Blaine’s size but were completely unfamiliar - and nothing like what he would wear.

Something Cooper would wear?


“Cooper...” Blaine said warningly but Cooper only grinned as he came waltzing back in the room.

“Chop chop, squirt,” he sing songed, “we gotta get this show on the road - and don’t gel your hair!”

“Don’t call me that,” Blaine growled as the door shut behind him. He sighed into the emptiness of the room and picked up the too tight jeans wearily. But deep down Blaine knew there was no use arguing with Cooper.

Hesitantly he dressed, the jeans barely fitting over his hips - not that he had big hips (or did he?) but the pants were so fucking tight. And the shirt was uncomfortable, too. The biggest joke of all was the leather jacket that was definitely not from Blaine’s cupboard - or Cooper’s either. He wearily shrugged it on before slipping on the shoes he’d left him, nicer than the ones he’d ever wear. He shook his head as he crossed the room to check his appearance in the mirror, his cheeks flaming as he realised he looked nothing like himself.

He had to hand it to Cooper, though. He may not look like himself, but he certainly didn’t look bad.

He was a little nervous, though, about what he had in store for him. He was waiting for him in the living room, looking smug as he took in his outfit.

“Excellent,” he said, grinning, “let’s go.”

“Where?” Blaine whined.

“Oh, Blainey,” Cooper chuckled, clapping his shoulder, “I promise you’re gonna love it.”


The music practically vibrated through the walls and holy shit, Blaine should have seen this coming.

Of course Cooper would take him to a club on his first night in New York City. Blaine wasn’t even legal but it was Cooper Anderson and who was going to say no. Quite frankly, Blaine was just lucky it wasn’t a freaking gay bar and he could only shudder to think how much attention Cooper was going to get at one of those.

They had practically skipped the queue to get inside and people had already started swarming around Cooper, making Blaine blush with embarassment. God, why did he think this was a good idea? Why did he think he would like something like this?

But like the charming man he was, Cooper kept an arm around Blaine’s shoulders and led him to the bar, getting them both drinks, hushing Blaine when he tried to chide him for the poor decision.

“You’ll like it, Blainers,” Cooper assured him, smoothly sliding a glass over to him across the counter, “trust me. Give it a while.”

Blaine took a careful sip of his drink, trying not to throw it back up as the disgusting taste hit his throat. He hadn’t drunk much, if he was being honest. His friends had only ever really given him vodka cruisers, being pretty tame, even at their graduation party. He had never really been into that sort of scene. Compared to most of the people in the room, Blaine knew, he was innocent as hell. He’d only ever had one boyfriend who had broken up with him when things had gotten too serious. Blaine had been crushed, having fallen, as he always did, far too far too fast too hard and had a crashed landing. He didn’t want to fuck around. He wanted to get married and have a career and a family. He may only be eighteen but he felt like he was ready for all the world had to offer him.

“Come on, Blaine,” Cooper urged, clapping his shoulder as Blaine put the drink down with a wrinkled nose, “live a little. It won’t hurt you - just one night.”

Blaine smiled wryly at him. “You’re a terrible influence, you know that?”

Cooper only grinned in response. “Come on, Blainers, I’m the best influence and you know it - any other kid in this room would love to have a brother as cool as me.”

“Sure thing, Coop,” Blaine said, rolling his eyes as he reached for his drink again, smiling at Cooper’s little cheer. You know, maybe he was right. Maybe for just one night, he could relax, enjoy this, even if it wasn’t his usual scene. Well, these weren’t his usual clothes, and New York certainly wasn’t his usual. There was nothing wrong with giving it a go... right?

“Excuse me,” a soft girlish voice said from beside them and Blaine glanced up to catch sight of a busty blond, her wide blue eyes fixed on Cooper, “do I know you from somewhere?”

“Some distant dream, probably,” Cooper grinned wolifhsly and Blaine reisisted the urge to start wretching as she giggled.

“You should dance with me so we can find out,” the girl insisted in that same floaty voice, her fingers trailing up Cooper’s arm teasingly and Cooper shot a quick look to Blaine.

“Go ahead,” Blaine insisted, quite happy to be free of company for a while - he hadn’t had the chance to be alone all day.

“Thank you,” Cooper mouthed with wide eyes, letting the girl drag him off to the dance floor. Blaine watched them go with a wry smile, taking another sip of his drink as the music eased over him once more. He let his eyes slide shut as the beats thumped through him, feeling his nerves hammer under his skin. He could feel the trickle of his drink run down his throat and the adrenaline humming through his veins and everything was just so electrically charged here, Blaine could finally understand why people got so swept up.

A gentle hand touching his shoulder nearly made him jump out of his skin.

“Woah, sorry,” a soft voice chuckled beside him and Blaine whirled around on his seat to come face to face with a stranger, smiling amusedly down at him. “Just checking you were still breathing.”

Blaine flushed, realising how strange he must’ve looked. “I’m fine,” he insisted shyly, ducking his gaze.

“First time?” the man asked, quirking an eyebrow as he rested against the counter, his hip jutting out slightly in a way that Blaine tried to ignore, heat creeping up his neck.

“Am I that obvious?” he whispered. The man chuckled again, a smooth, musical sound that filled Blaine with warmth head to toe.

“No,” the man assured him, “I just know the signs.”

Blaine glanced up and caught the man’s gaze at last. His eyes were a shocking blue-green, vivid and dancing under the club lights, the bright colour contrasting deliciously with the smooth, pale canvas of his skin. He was a beautiful work of art, the lines of his face cutting and curved in all the right places, his lips flushed and utterly kissable. Blaine blinked hard, wondering where all of these thoughts were coming from, his cheeks flushing as he realised it was probably the alcohol, lowering his inhibitions.

God, he was going to be such a lightweight, wasn’t he?

“Do you spend a lot of your time hanging around first timers?” Blaine shocked himself by saying, his voice dropping low in a way that he was sure was not entirely his own.

The man’s lips twisted up into a smirk that made Blaine’s breath hitch. Fuck, he was gorgeous.

“Only the cute ones.”

Before Blaine could think of a reply Cooper was waltzing back over in search of a drink, his eyes raised as he took in the two of them.

“Chris?” he said, startling Blaine out of his reverie. The man smiled as Cooper approached, meeting him in a hug.

“Hey, man,” the man - Chris - grinned, “long time no see.”

“Wait, you know each other?” Blaine interjected. Chris shot Blaine a winning smile that sent his heart racing.

“We worked on a movie together last year,” he informed.

“You’re an actor?”

“Only the second best in Hollywood,” Cooper enthused, wrapping an arm around Chris in a way that made Blaine’s stomach twist in jealousy, “after myself of course.” They both chuckled. “Golden Globe winner, Times most influential...”

“Oh hush,” Chris chuckled as Blaine felt his heart sink. Oh, he recognised Chris now - Chris Colfer, the man who played the notorious womanizer slash serial killer in the action film Cooper had hardly stopped raving about since he’d gotten the part. Blaine had seen it - thought it was a bit well, much, for his tastes but whatever. Chris was a good actor. And hot. And probably not even gay.

And Blaine was... well.

He was just Blaine.

His thoughts must have shown somewhat on his face because Cooper looked concerned as he met his eyes before realising he’d interupted their conversation.

“You know,” Cooper cleared his throat, “we should catch up sometime, man.”

“Totally,” Chris agreed, accepting his quick hug before Cooper headed back out, tossing a quick apologetic smile to Blaine before going to find his girl again (or another, who knew).

“So Cooper’s your brother?” Chris asked, turning his attention back to Blaine.

“Yeah,” Blaine shrugged, feeling small, not quite reaching Chris’s stare.

“He did mention you, you know,” Chris told him, leaning on one of his elbows as he tried to catch Blaine’s eye again. “And you’re just as cute as he said.”

Cute. Blaine felt his cheeks burn. “Stop,” he said quietly, embarassment seeping through him.

“Why?” Chris asked, inching away a bit. “I think you’re cute, and I think you should let me tell you so. You don’t need to dress in a leather jacket and tight pants to get someone to notice you, Blaine. You’re sweet - you’re adorable, and I just want to get to know you a little better.”

Blaine swallowed, his embarrassment dimming a little in the wake of his flooding nervousness. It had been so long since anyone had ever tried to flirt with him - he’d almost forgotten.

“Do you like to dance, Blaine?”

When he finally looked up Chris was smiling softly at him, his lips so inviting Blaine couldn’t help but nod and let him lead him out onto the floor.

Chris’s hands settled on his hips and there were so many people around them, Blaine felt a little claustrophobic, leaning into Chris. For some strange reason he felt safe with him.

“I’ve got you,” Chris whispered, his breath tickling Blaine’s ear, making him shiver, “I’ve got you...”

The music was swimming around them and Blaine took a deep breath, feeling some of the tension in his body ease away as they moved. Chris felt so good, pressed up against him, all heat, all body, all solid mass and slim, moving hips and loving hands. God, Blaine wanted to feel him all over, his eyes falling shut as he pressed his head into his shoulder, letting Chris’s hands run up and down his back, rubbing gently. Blaine swallowed thickly at the thrilling press of Chris hard against his hip, his groan deep and wanting in his ear.

“Please tell me this is okay,” Chris murmured, his voice raspy against Blaine’s ear, his hands sliding lower and lower and Blaine felt his back arching, pressing into his touch, “please tell me I can.”

“You can,” Blaine whimpered, “oh... please...”

“Come home with me,” Chris gasped out, his hands settling on Blaine’s ass, pulling him closer. Blaine nodded frantically into his neck, not really sure what came over him but in that moment he wanted nothing else. Just Chris. Entire.


The following movements were a whirlwind, trying to escape the throng of people into the cool night. Chris called a cab and texted frantically on his phone while Blaine struggled to catch his breath and cool the heat flooding through him. Nerves shook about his body, his rabbit quick heart stuttering as he caught Chris’s eye, shining and moon bathed.

The cab arrived mercifully quick and Chris gave the driver directions before settling into the back seat with Blaine, reaching over and tangling their fingers together. Blaine tried not to imagine what the driver must be thinking. He must see people like them every day - well, maybe not like Chris, of course - but people going home together. He wondered if he should be embarassed but he couldn’t bring himself to care when Chris was thrumming with heat beside him, so tangible, so beautiful; breathing, living, being, holding Blaine’s hand, his thumb brushing almost absently over his skin. Blaine felt heat creep up his neck, knowing Chris was staring, but he let him, just holding onto his hand like he was afraid of what would happen when he let go.

“I messaged your brother,” Chris told him quietly, “in case you were worried.”

Blaine looked up in alarm. “He knows?”

Chris quirked an eyebrow. “Not embarrassed of me, are you?”

Blaine gaped.

“Not of you,” he insisted. “But... he’s my brother.”

Chris chuckled softly. “I get it, Blaine,” he reassured him. “I just wanted to make sure Coop knew you were safe. He worries about you, you know...”

Blaine bit his lip, his gaze wandering out the window. “I really don’t want to talk about my brother right now,” he admitted. Chris squeezed his hand reassuringly and when Blaine glanced back over his eyes were dark.

“I think I can live with that,” he said lowly.


Closing the door shut behind him, Blaine gasped as Chris immediately pushed blaine up against it, sliding his cool hands up under his shirt. Blaine’s hips stuttered up immediately at the touch, shivers rolling through him, his neck arching back.

“So hot,” Chris rasped, sucking a hot kiss up his throat. Blaine whimpered under his touch as Chris helped him out of his jacket tossing it aside before tugging off his own. Blaine responded eagerly, wrapping his arms around Chris’s neck, stretching up to kiss him eagerly, craving nothing more than the hot, wet slide of his mouth, more seductive than any addiction.

Blaine’s hips arched up and he suddenly wanted nothing more than for Chris to press him up against the wall and fuck him right there, Blaine’s legs wrapped around his waist, Chris fucking him so hard he practically bended him in half.

“Fuck-me,” Blaine slurred into Chris’s mouth, his tongue sloppy as it moved with Chris’s, everything so hot and heavy and slow around him.

“Mmmm, yes,” Chris moaned, guiding him back so they were awkwardly stumbling through the dark of the hall, grasping at walls until they came to Chris’s room, Chris deflty letting them through with a flick of his wrist, kicking the door out behind him.

“Mind the mess,” Chris quipped, spinning them so Blaine was sent stumbling back into the dark. But Chris was back on him in a second, pushing him back down against his bed, making Blaine gasp out in surprise. “Fuck, you’re so cute.”

Blaine’s cheeks burned, but all embarrassment quickly faded away, his jaw slackening as Chris leant back against Blaine’s thighs, slowly peeling his shirt off. He was so hot Blaine felt dizzy, the broad planes of his gorgeous chest laid bare for him to see.

“It’s okay, Blaine,” Chris cooed after giving him a few moments to stare, “you can touch me if you want.”

Oh fuck did he want.

Blaine reached up, hesitant at first, as he ran a hand up his side, just the gentlest press of skin against skin. It was so warm beneath his touch, flush following his path. Blaine licked his lips, drawing his hand across the toned path of Chris’s stomach, resting against the heated bones of his hips before sliding back up and over his rib cage.

“You should be wearing less clothes,” Chris noted, his voice slurring a little and Blaine was pleased to see he looked just as turned on as Blaine felt. Reluctantly, Blaine tore his hand from Chris’s skin, reaching up to remove his shirt swiftly. He was still a little shy about his body - Chris probably only thought he was cute after all.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous, Blaine,” Chris groaned as Blaine sat back against the pillows, not really sure what else to do. “So hot for me...”

Blaine’s cheeks flushed hotly as Chris crawled up and over him, straddling his thighs before reaching down to kiss him, deep and burning.

“God, Chris,” Blaine moaned against his mouth, his hands sliding up his back, “fuck me...”

“We have time, Blaine,” Chris reminded him, his voice teasing as it danced in his ear, “and I want to see all of you...”

“You-you too.”

Chris chuckled hotly in his ear and Blaine shivered under the vibrations.

“Time, Blaine.”

“Fuck time,” Blaine gasped, sitting up again, pushing their hips up together as he kissed him fiercely. Chris clutched at his ass, moaning in his ear as Blaine rutted up against him, the friction more heavenly than anything he had felt in his life.

“I don’t think we really need these do you?” Chris whispered huskily, pushing Blaine back against the pillows, sliding down his body, making Blaine’s eyes flutter shut, a loud moan falling from his lips as Chris’s lips ghosted down his chest, his tongue following the trail as his fingers worked at his pants, sliding them off his legs. Blaine groaned as Chris kissed back up his legs, working his mouth up around his ankles, sucking a bruise under his knees and nibbling up his thighs. Blaine was hot and flushed all over, shivers rolling down his spine as his hips arched up, desperate for any kind of contact.

“So hot,” Chris rasped, fingers playing with the cotton of his boxer briefs. “Can I take these off too?”

Blaine nodded eagerly, swallowing thickly and shuddering as Chris slowly peeled off his underwear, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he took in the sight of him. Blaine blushed at the moan that fell from his lips before Chris leant forward, licking a thick strip up the side of his cock, Blaine’s hips jumping at the touch.

“Easier, tiger,” Chris purred, a hand sliding up his thigh as he crawled back up the bed, “I’m not done with you, yet.”

“Chris,” Blaine whined, “pants...”

“Oh, right,” Chris chuckled, not making a show of shedding his pants, tossing them aside before crawling back over Blaine. Blaine’s eyes were wide, roaving over every flawless inch of him. God, he was perfect, all toned muscle and lightly flushed skin and Blaine just wanted to feel him all over and over and over-

“Mmmm,” Chris hummed, caressing Blaine’s jaw as he lowered his body onto his. Blaine trembled slightly with the firm weight of him pressing him down, something deep curling low in his stomach, something even stronger than want that he still couldn’t quite place. “Kiss me.”

Blaine was more than happy to comply, his arms wrapping around Chris’s neck, pulling him closer as he kissed him deeply, passionately, the slide of his mouth against his burning, his body hot and weighted as it pressed into him, his hips rolling down to meet Blaine’s. With a whine, Blaine spread his legs so Chris could sit between them, gasping at the new friction. One of Chris’s hands moved lower to spread his legs further and Blaine gasped as a finger circled his whole, pressing just gently against his entrance.

“Yes,” Blaine whimpered, his head pulling back to gasp. Chris kissed softly down his throat, his other hand scrambling on the bedside table for lube and a condom. He sat back after a few moments so he could properly prep Blaine, uncapping the lid of the lube and spreading it between his fingers. Blaine felt his stomach flutter nervously as he watched and waited for Chris to return, one hand still holding steady on his thigh while the other moved between his legs and he slowly eased a finger in.

“Ahh fuck,” Blaine hissed at the first intrusion but once the burn settled and Chris petted his thigh softly, he allowed the pleasure to take over and his eyes fell shut as he focused on the deep pressure that ached through him, so good as Chris twisted a second finger alongside the first, working them deeper and deeper.

His breaths were coming short and fast, nerves stuttering up his chest and stomach swooping low. They were doing this - Chris was going to fuck him. He was in this magnificent boy’s bed and he was going to hold him in his arms and mould him into his own. Blaine groaned low and deep as Chris pushed a third finger in and fuck, it was so much, so full that Blaine could only imagine what his... his... his cock would feel like.


“Chris,” Blaine moaned, his spine arching as Chris twisted his fingers just right. He always thought fingering would be a painful process - it certainly was when he did it to himself. But as much as it hurt, it felt good - there was a pressure pleasure underneath the sharp burn and Blaine allowed himself to focus on the feel of his skin pressing against his own.

Until it was gone.

“Chris,” Blaine whined as he pulled back, smirking in the dim light.

“Shh,” Chris soothed, petting his thigh once more and why did that feel so good? “You’ve got to help me get ready now...”

Blaine’s breath caught in his throat as he watched, Chris uncapping the lube and spreading them across his fingers before reaching for his cock, hard in his hand and leaking at the tip. It was so big and fuck, Blaine just wanted to take it.

“I want to blow you so bad right now,” Blaine said breathlessly. Chris’s smirk broadened.

“Well, we do have all night,” he pointed out, “but I really want to fuck you.”

Blaine groaned low in his throat as Chris rolled on a condom before slicking himself up and moving back towards Blaine.

“Spread your legs, sweetheart,” he purred in a low rumbly tone that made Blaine’s stomach curl up hotly. He shivered, leaning back against the pillows, refusing to break eye contact with Chris as he eased his thighs apart so Chris could sit between them.

Blaine gasped at the press of Chris’s cool, wet hands, inching under his body, spreading his cheeks apart as he slowly inched inside and fuck if the pressure wasn’t ten times as intense as his fingers - still good (fuck, so good) but more.

“Like that?” Chris growled lowly in his ear and Blaine realised he’d been whimpering just softly, his hands scrambling for purchase across the canvas of his back, the planes hard and firm beneath his trembling palms.

“Yes,” Blaine moaned, eyes fluttering shut, “God, yes... more...”

“Oh Blaine,” Chris gasped, resting his forehead in the pit of Blaine’s neck as he slowly pressed in further, “you’re so... so tight, fuck...”

Blaine whimpered, his hands daring to roam lower, clutching at his ass and fuck it felt just as good as it looked. Chris moaned as he pushed him further up against him, pulling him deeper till he was fully sheathed inside of him, resting for only a moment before he began to move.

It was just gentle at first, Chris rocking his hips into him but it was enough to set his every nerve on fire, heat threatening to consume him, his body gently shaking. It felt like falling apart, here in Chris’s arms, as they wound around him, pulling him closer against him as his thrusts grew harder, faster and Blaine was gasping against his neck, clutching desperately at his beautiful body.

“Ohhhh,” Blaine moaned against his throat, “fuck me fuck me fuck me...”

“I am, baby,” Chris whispered, tilting his head back so he could kiss him, “I’m right here.”

Blaine kissed him eager and desperate, their lips sliding wet and hot against each other, Blaine’s arms winding around his beck, pulling him impossibly closer. His legs wound around his waist he was practically folding him in half they were so close. But still, Blaine needed him nearer. He needed him entire, wanted his touch branded against his skin so he would never, ever forget this.

Chris snapped his hips up and Blaine gasped loudly, his stomach seizing up tightly, his nerves stutering unde rhis skin and he knew he was close, his nails dragging down Chris’s back, a litany of undistinguishable pleads falling from his lips, like some sort of paradoxically sinful prayer - fuck - Chris - close - you - fuck - please - Chris - close - closer - need.

“Come on, baby,” Chris rasped, pressing him back down into the mattress and Blaine moaned as he pressed him down, the weight of his body firm and grounding. God, he loved this, being beneath another man, his shadow and weight falling over him. His hips arched up into Chris’s touch as he wrapped a hand around his cock, pulling long strokes from base to tip until Blaine was whimpering and moaning under him. “Beautiful boy... come on... come for me...”

Blaine came with a breathless gasp, his head thrown back, back arching up, pulling Chris deeper, coaxing his own orgasm from him, Chris’s moans echoing in his ears.

“So good, Blaine... so good to me...”

Bllinking his eyes open, he felt dizzy as he tried to catch his breath, the world slowly coming back to him. Chris glanced up at him with a slightly smug smile that made something endearing tug in his chest and made him want to cuddle him closer.

“So...” Chris grinned, “that was amazing.”

“You’re amazing,” Blaine said softly and Chris let out a quiet chuckle, reaching up to carress his cheek gently, leaning in and whispering.

“You look so pretty when you come.”

Blaine’s cheeks burned as Chris giggled softly, humming contentedly as he cuddled closer.

“You can sleep if you want,” Chris murmured, “I promise to be here when you wake up.”

A soft smile thread it’s way across Blaine’s lips as he allowed himself to relax against the pillows. With the warm pressure of Chris’s body still laying across his, his arms wrapped around him, his lips smiling against his neck, he finally allowed himself to doze of, happier than he could have imagined himself being on his first night here.

New York was literally becoming a dream come true.

gkm fill, bliss

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