Feeling better just in time for New York - awww yiss~

Nov 26, 2008 20:10

Hi guys! I didn't update yesterday, too sick.

Yesterday Chantel gave me some awesome instant-coffee stuff!! They're in little packages, and it's by "Old Town" (www.oldtown.com.my) It was so. damn. delicious.
They have different version, he one I have is "iced" for cold beverages I guess? There are others, and now I really want to try them all. It's called "3-in-1" because it doesn't just taste like instant coffee, it tastes like coffee that already had a bit of milk and sugar in it! Aw yiss.

Yesterday was pretty fun, I bought 2 new markers~~ I love the CopicSketch, you can refill them and turn them into airbrushes. Plus their color is so velvety~
Right now I'm re-reading Hamlet. For probably the 5th time since I moved here - phst. I'm a dork, I think we all know this!

I won't put anything detailed in here, I might edit this later tonight. I won't be posting at all friday to sunday because I'm in New York!
I hope everyone enjoy's their weekend, I'm pretty sure I'll be enjoying mine. Now, before class, I need to get cleaned up! I feel all "sick" still. Groooss! See y'all later!!

coffee, sick, health, travel, art, fun

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