I remembered... a little too late

Apr 23, 2007 20:52

A long time ago - well, maybe not so long ago - my good friend Anna hijacked my computer and wrote a lovely biographical story about me. In retaliation, I wrote one for her, swearing that I would steal her computer and return the favor. Well, we were in japan and the opportunity never arose (she guards that thing like Cerberus!!) and I lost myself in time. Here we are, months later, back in America.

This is for Anna:

Hello, my name is Anna Denson. Big D, little enson. I am a rapacious southern Belle from the good’ol city of Atlanta. I speak normal for ya’ll sometimes but when it suits me, I use my normal, southern speech.

I like maps. I analyze maps all summer long just for fun. Well, no, not really. They pay me a hefty sum to sit at a computer aaallll day long. I know maps so well that I could tell you the name of the largest cheese producing town in Wisconsin. But I won’t. I like a sense of mystery.

I once read a map so well that I saved the state of Virginia from falling through the globe. The governor wanted to give me a house made of chocolate that was staffed with 499 lithe baseball players but I politely declined on account of I’m trying to cut back.

I can dance, sing, write, draw, and crack jokes like nobody’s business. Many people want to be me. But I won’t let them. There can only be one Anna Denson.

My favorite foods are udon, udon, and udon. I once married an udon but it sadly didn’t last because I got hungry five minutes after the ceremony. If udon were a type of tree, I would grow an orchard. Udon is damn good. Do NOT come between me and my udon or I shall burn you with flaming, hot, udon juice!

When I’m not saving the world or devouring udon I play with kittens. However, I would not pay to play with the kittens. Cuteness should be free. I will be starting my campaign next month and it shall be called “Free the Cuteness.” If you don’t join, you are ugly.

As a large child, my role model was a Monty. In the future, I plan to marry a Monty with an Irish accent and have lots of rosy cheeked babies. Until then, I’m kicking back on an Island in the Pacific. You might have heard of it. Japan. Yes? Damn, the secret’s out!

I will be returning soon to my city of origin so begin the preparations for my return, boy. And this time, be sure to bring the matching white stallions.

Yours truly,

Anna “The Belle” Denson

src="http://quizfarm.com/images/1170136753chii.jpg"> You scored as Chii. According to results, you are most like Chii from Chobits. Innocent, adorable and fresh, you love learning new things and exploring the world, even though it might get you in to trouble from time to time. You are happy in your own little world, and you feel best when you are able to show those around you how much you care. Just remember to "recharge" yourself from time to time and you'll be just fine.

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