Jan 20, 2013 08:51
Ancestors: >-''''- Q Crane, Brown, Harping
Nature Spirits: >-||||- E Swan, Red, Fowling
Deities: >-|||- U Lark, Resinous, Brasswork
Hermes: >-''- D Wren, Black, Wizardry
Hermes(2): >-,,,,- S Hawk, Fire-colored, Handicraft
I usually only pull one ogham for each of these beings, but Hermes tossed an extra ogham out as I was making my pull so I included it. Here is the image/vision this omen inspired:
Fine stands the wood as it burns in the dark, black and brown where the red flames lick and coax the resin to be expelled, to ooze forth until the tinder is dry enough to be consumed. Leaves dry, curl, crackle and fall, kindling to feed the flames more. The forest is consumed by carelessness, a deep, dark anger and disconnect from the world surrounding. The birds and beasts have all fled before the fury. Yet a hooded figure proceeds into the flickering light, stepping nimbly over hot pockets of flame and around giants desperately attempting to conserve their internal moisture - a last ditch effort towards self preservation. At the center of the conflagration, the figure halts, withdrawing a lap harp from a fold in the cloak. Soon, the lines are set to singing as nimble fingers pluck with certainty, and a calm spreads outward from the figure. Flames dance more slowly, dropping lower as the melody plays, swaying in time to the tuneless tune. The chords sound louder as th fire dies, leaving behind the orange glow of smouldering coals until even those fade to black. In the still darkness, the last notes drift away from the harp and all is silent.
In the east, the first hint of light breaches the edges of the sky. The hooded figure moves, fading westward with the night. And, as the pre-dawn chill settles over the cooling, scorched forest, a wren flutters onto a charred but unburnt oak branch and sings forth its distinctive call: even amongst destruction, life goes on.