Jul 12, 2004 02:28
Warning: Long post
So this is basically gonna be my attempt at summing up the past week. Wish me luck.
1/2 the Political, All the Party (An add for C2... not to be confused with C^2, who is an awesome person, not a drink...)
Random interesting Slogan that I saw... was amused and wante to post it, but after a week, Im not really sure of the point.
Eat Brie. French Kiss (Eclipse gum add)
Same as the coke add... but whatever
"Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman. that is detestable" ~ A billboard in Charleston that I saw way too many times. It pissed me off the more I saw it, but then I saw another billboard that made me feel better. I don't remember exactly what it said anymore, but it was something a long the lines of constitution and equality and equal rights, that both gay and straight people deserve protection by the law... Well any way it wasn't anti-gay so it made me feel better.
Welcome to Moes :amount of times my dad said that when we passed a Moe's .... too damn many... Pretty much because we passed too damn many. When returning a video to Blockbuster, there was an ambulance outside of it. To this I proved my Point "Moe's: Show up in your car, leave in an ambulance"
Be Kind Rewind
Watched a good deal of movies. Mystic River was pretty good, but sad. Cold Mountain...which I didn't want to see in the first place... was pretty good up until the end. Had to end that way though I guess... Random horror movies. Wanted to see Welcome to Mooseport (which was on a blue video cassette?!) but the raging storm yesterday killed my aunts vcr... which made us have to go out to buy a new one for her today. That and a new answering machine. I miss my aunt already :o(
"Mr Sandman, bring me a dream"
I've finally decided that I must get the Comic book series Sandman by Neil Gaiman. I swear, this guy is the most awesome person ever. Went to Barnes & Noble... They had all of them except for... NUMBER 1!!! ... *shakes head in disbelief* Picked up some cute single comic book stories by him though. Murder Mysteries looks great. I started reading one short story a night from Smoke and Mirrors, and I'm so in love with that book.
Ok I don't remember what other things I was going to use.
The beach was awesome. I only went twice but it was worth it. If I hadn't gotten burned the first day (and...something else) then we probably would have gotten back 1 or 2 more times. (I got burned on the back of my legs and on my back... me! I don't burn at all... maybe a little in the cheeks but thats all!... it was very weird, and very painful) I wish Florida's beach had been like that when I was there. The water may not have been as clear... but I wouldn't give up those waves for anything.
Fourth of July was great... we actually went out and watched fireworks! And it wasn't even by my suggestion!!! For like, 4 of the past 5 years, I couldn't get anyone to go see fireworks while we were on vacation, but this year my parents wanted to...We had the perfect spot too. This one bridge... where before the fireworks for that river started, you could see them everywhere in the distance. Then there was lightning too. And fireworks over water are the best. Theres nothing like watching the water change colors with the fireworks. Even better: a little bit before they started there were 2 or 3 baby dolphins that went under the bridge. Its been a long time since I've seen dolphins.
Aesome storm yesterday... but I'm a freak so... yeah
If anyone knows of a '86 Thunderbird hubcap laying around, let me know.
I can say this, I love my Aunt and I wished so much taht I didn't have to leave. I really didn't want to come back, as much as I missed my friends. I see her for one week each year... which is nowhere near enough. And Charleston is just such a great place.
on another hand, i think somethings wrong with me... and its very weird. I think I'm imagining things, and it is that time of year when I get this way, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to go through it. It'll get better though. August just needs to get here quicker... on the other hand, i don't want it to come quickly because I want to have more time with my friends... oh well, we'll see.
sorry this is so long guys...