Movie: Australia
Title: Journey Into Dreams
Music: "Divide and Conquer" by Immediate Music
Description: An overview of this visually orgasmic film. I wasn't sure about packing a 3-hour adventure into such a short time frame but it worked out. Heavy (albeit subtle) use of effects to give it a dreamy quality.
Notes: I'm shocked that there don't seem to be any vids for this movie out there. Ironically, I myself refused to see this in theaters because the trailer is one of the poorest, most misleading trailers ever made and completely turned me off. Of course, I was kicking myself later when I rented the DVD and realized that if there was one film that year that I absolutely should have seen on the big screen, this was it. Beautiful cinematography, great performances all around and a wonderful story. So here it two minutes.
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Journey Into Dreams
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