ICONS - Kevin Durand

May 21, 2011 12:39

So...although I've been too busy to get any new videos up, I went on a semi-psychotic icon making spree after discovering that Kevin Durand is a fantastic, versatile actor whose various characters simply must be iconified. From psychopath Keamy in LOST to archangel Gabriel, asshole redneck, adorably sweet hockey player and more, this guy is awesome ( Read more... )


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Comments 14

bless_me_once May 21 2011, 19:35:15 UTC
I've watched Lost and SG-1 only, but I liked the batch! :) Finding out your Durand icons was an unexpected pleasure, really.
I'm going to take many of them, so thanks for sharing! Will credit when I use. :)


dreamrequiem May 21 2011, 22:40:56 UTC
Thanks! I'd seen Kevin in some things before but really took notice of him in Lost. Recently, I was rewatching S4 and decided to check out what else he'd done and rewatch older ones like Mystery, Alaska. Was not disappointed. He's great.


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dreamrequiem May 21 2011, 22:41:58 UTC
LOL! Every time I see him in something now I'm just waiting for "Keamy" to do something horrific.


team_britney May 21 2011, 21:19:54 UTC
you don't know how happy this made me!

"someone made a bunch of kevin durand icons?!! OMG YAY!!"

taking some and will credit, of course. thank you, thank you, thank you!!


dreamrequiem May 21 2011, 22:43:17 UTC
Haha thank you and yeah, they're up for anyone to use, alter, whatever. I'm not particular. Glad to know other people on this site like Kevin too :P



angelus2hot May 21 2011, 21:46:41 UTC
Awesome icons!!!!!


dreamrequiem May 21 2011, 22:42:20 UTC


shalowater May 21 2011, 23:08:23 UTC
awesome!! no joshua though? i loved him in lost and DLM. i have not seen some others. i need to watch more i guess. kevin = so hot! ;)


dreamrequiem May 21 2011, 23:50:50 UTC
Nah no Joshua because you can't tell that it's him! Also, there are tons of Joshua icons and pictures out there and not so many of his other roles. I love how he can switch from mean to crazy to funny to innocent from one character to another. He's a really good actor.

If you are wanting to check out some of his other stuff, there's quite a bit on Youtube. He's absolutely adorable in Mystery Alaska and Greener Mountains. Hilarious in Who's Your Monkey (also called Throwing Stars), although completely freakin nuts. The movie itself is very funny and outrageous. He's really scary in The Echo; only in 5-6 scenes but quite disturbing as he plays a wife abusing cop. And if you haven't seen Legion, it's a forgettable movie overall but the few scenes near the end between Gabriel and Michael (Kevin and Paul Bettany) are just spectacular as far as special effects and fight choreography go.


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