MERLIN - Forces of Destiny

May 07, 2010 12:30

Series: Merlin

Title: Forces of Destiny

Music: "Conviction" by Groove Addicts

Description: Merlin-centric theatrical-style trailer for seasons one and two, focusing on the birth of a legend, and the young sorcerer's struggle to fulfill his destiny, secretly protecting prince Arthur from the forces of evil in a kingdom where those who practice ( Read more... )


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tearful_eye May 7 2010, 22:14:47 UTC
EEEH, i love love love this! it's stunning - you're so good at that action/trailer/everything thing xD *watches vid another ten times*

(you're gonna make more merlin vids... right?)


dreamrequiem May 7 2010, 23:43:54 UTC
Thanks!! Haha another ten times, wow I really appreciate hearing that. I love how this one came out so getting this kind of response is always so nice :o)

And yeah, I've got three music videos I'm making for it...and maybe one or two short little promos for my favorite eps? Maybe. Someone already did a Merlin mv to one of the songs I'm using but theirs is a general visual piece and mine is a dark Merlin/Arthur character study so I'm not worried about overlap....


tearful_eye May 8 2010, 10:25:14 UTC
I've got three music videos I'm making for it..

& i wouldn't worry about someone else already having vidded the song - yours is gonna be better anyway *g* no, but there are so many good vids that use a song that has already been used multiple times... (also: now i'm really wondering about what your favorite episodes may have been!)


dreamrequiem May 8 2010, 16:42:53 UTC
Yeah, I've never been one to be bothered by others having done the same music/show already. I have my own vision for things so it doesn't worry me. very favorite episode would be The Labyrinth of Gedref. I just can't get sick of watching that one. Funny banter...rat stew...curses, famine, drought, unicorns...and of course, the end scene on the beach where Arthur is willing to die for Merlin. AGH! That's one of my top favorite scenes in the entire series.

I'm also very partial to The Once and Future Queen and The Sins of the Father. I have no problem watching those over and over. But hey, I pretty much love every ep so it's a hard call :o)


tearful_eye May 10 2010, 10:58:09 UTC
hee, the labyrinth is also one of my favorites... and probably 'poisoned chalice' - that one is all about saving each other! oh boys <3


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