Aug 17, 2006 14:26
So yeah it is true i may be moving in the next month or so, and yes i am very excited, hip hip horray (spelling?). All I need now is a god damn roommate and a callback from starbucks. Other than that I am on my way.
Went shopping yesterday, weird, bought a corset, still not sure why, looked for Cam, no such luck.
So yeah i went to a christian concert the other night, that was interesting, thanks greg. Not only for being the point of interest but also for the hat.
Oh, if anybody wants to see me, call me! (248)693-6875! I want to see all of you desperately. I tried to make it to gregs party and see some of you but turned out i couldnt make it. *cry*
I am dealing with some serious inner battles that i feel so alone with. I miss you guys you. I remember a time when i was pretty much happy and didnt have to deal with some of this shit, granted i still dealt with a lot of it but it was different because i felt like there was someone there that I could turn to and that would be you guys. Now a days it is scattered phone calls, ackward card games with my parents (sorry PJ), random moments like a christian concert, and in a lot of cases there is nothing anymore other than scattered memories.
On top of that load af shit I am dating Mark again. It is hard for no matter how much I love him there is the obvious he doesn't care about me. Why is this so difficult? I don't know what I should do with it all. What do you guys think e-mail me if you don't feel like posting: You know I appreciate any insight that you might feel like sharing.