sooooooo you want pictures?
^ hes a rock thats dudu :O)
^basically my fav. pic. on the face of the planet haha
^ahhh at my grandparents farm beeeautttiful :)
^my boyz :) minus rodrigo whose taking the picture lol and lucas is making a wierd face lol and dudu is ontop of the horse and cesar is the other little loves nehehe O=)
^thats rodrigo :) love love love
^oh just some lovers from downstairs tiago matthews and leonardo oh yes. they are v. cool =)
^my cousin juliana and my grandpa <33333 loves as well
^check out the 5 storie (story?) mall behind us. yeah. it kicks ass. the picture sucks though. lol
^the kings cesar and dudu and uncle tarcisio.
^ a very attractive picture of me and juh haha
^rodrigo...but the main point of this picture isss my grandparents apartment in the background haha
^chocolate+dudu=CUTE. lol
^this is what happens when your little cousin gets a hold of your camera and you're sleeping...god why am i so ugly when i sleep. lol
^baaaaaaaaaaaack to the farm...this is the cutest puppy ever haha they named him ninja? lol yeah. they as in lucas and rodrigo. lol
^closeup! he had fleas though. lol
thats all for now..MORE LATER!! soon actually. i just have to charge my camera batteries and then upload them :) then they will be available for your viewing pleasure :)