20 minutes of Zumba = 141 calories.

Jan 07, 2012 14:03

Hola LiveJournal! Merry Belated Christmas and Happy Belated New Year!

2012 is going to be a lot of firsts... in addition to the ones that 2011 already gave me... I think its time for a Year End Wrap up... even though I'm already a week into 2012.

Highlights of 2011:
- I got myself acclimated to the AAA Way of Life
- It snowed. 36 freakin inches the day after Christmas. Granted, it was 2010, but it was intense. We saw snow until March... I'm not even kidding.
- I started going to the gym on a semi-regular basis with Katy. I'm not sure how much weight I lost, but I know I lost a jeans size. SQUEE
- I turned in the keys to Tito, my 2007 Volkswagon Passat. I then bought my 2011 Ford Fiesta, Fiona! The car is still in my dad's name, but the payments are in my name. It no longer affects his credit if I'm late on a payment. It's pretty cool to know that I can buy a car.
- Austin and I spent Spring Break in Lancaster, PA. We discovered that there are separate beer and liquor stores and bought 24 cans of 18 oz of beer. Hilarity ensued.
- For the first time in 4 years, I did not work on Memorial Day Weekend. And it felt amazing!
- Austin and I went to New York and saw Avenue Q. This was a few weeks after the massive snowstorm, and when we dipped into a Starbucks to get out of the cold, we bought Frappucinos. :D
- I remained addicted to bad reality television. I can't help it.
- I picked my football team. I am a New Orleans Saints fan. I also like both of my home teams and still dislike Philly. Its a good time.
- To reiterate my entry a few months ago, I moved to Wilmington and got a new job! :D
- First Christmas coming home instead of living at home to put up decorations and bake cookies and whatnot.
- Austin and I had our Christmas Cookie Baking Spectacular. We made 75 sugar cookies. But they weren't normal sugar cookies. They were sandwiched with a mini Oreo or mini Nutter Butter inside. Then they were frosted to look like Christmas presents. We also put together a styrofoam Christmas tree covered in Reese's peanut butter cups.
- I designed my first class for work :D
- Austin and I cruised with Carnival and had an amazing time! We're looking to go back this summer!
- I savored all my beach time, but didn't get nearly enough of it
- Austin and I threw an AWESOME summer party for our friends. Probably one of the best nights in 2011, without question. It was one of those legendary nights that stories are made of. (including throwing drunk Austin into the pool and taking pictures of boobs on one of his friends' phones.)
- Austin and I threw a BOMB of a fall party. We made very few good choices that night, one of them being making it a graffiti party. Some of the bad decisions included the theme (Its Going Down, in reference to 9/11), the drink of choice (Tucker Death Mix), and punching people in the balls. Not a good night.
- Had a fantastic New Year's Eve. Small gathering of really good friends, but had a really good time with the people that I had over.
- I spent a few weekends in my apartment by myself! I'm still getting to know people in the area down here, but making it alone was kind of awesome.

And I know 2012 has so much more to come...

Mom and Dad set me up with a Wii for Christmas, and Austin and I splurged on a HD-TV and BluRay player. We put up pictures and posters.. it's now starting to feel like I live here. :D

Its going to be a good year, I can feel it. :D

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