Warning before you proceed:
This post could lead to loss of enjoyment of watching episode 9 of dream high, if you haven't done so.
You have been warned.
you know, thank God for fast recaps, bcos without them i wouldn't get stuff.. since i watch it via stream and it's raw and its sometimes laggy and everything. so anyway, thoughts on ep 9.. especially the pilsook-jason new dynamics.
i think the tables have turn between jason/pilsook. she's now not following him around, and with the weight transformation she seems to get a realisation that trying so hard for someone that doesn't even try is a waste. now its jason's turn to show some determination to win her over (after all her effort for him - even though it's not really for him cos he only agreed to it because he was looking out for her chances to debut). though i like this plot twist, i thought pilsook's personality transformation is too sudden - but then she went through 200 days of gruelling diet so maybe thats what opened her eyes quite a bit.
EDIT: now that i've rewatched wooU parts with subs (at work too. how sneaky am i? :P) i have decided that jason deserves those words pilsook gave him. it hurts, but i think eventually she can bring the best in him. he was acting really arrogant and im glad pilsook knocked some sense into him. i hope his character going to slowly change.
so now we wait for jason to start missing pilsook :D angsting away somewhere and then realizing that he likes her all along. ngaww. then he would start to make some effort to win her heart, and she will realize that the guy that never tries hard is now trying so hard like never before to win her heart... (and plus she never really get over him - the lollipop is still there even when she said she's just going to be a fan. aww and somehow i keep sensing that jason kept the heart post-it from pilsook's confession, and he's gonna give her it when he confesses. :D )
im kinda glad that woo is getting a chance to show some more acting expression beside just being a perfect all-rounder nice guy. i was really happy seeing him act angry in ep 9 lol. and im so glad that they're delving into his character - his arrogant tendencies and flaws, instead of having him just as a manner-boy :D his character is getting the depth its been lacking all this while. yewww i like this.
im still not used to seeing pilsook all skinny.. i think she was much cuter when she was chubby, bumbling around the place like that.
dream high never fail to wow me in every episode, their pacing is just perfect, there's always a new element introduced in every episode, and while i cant wait for next episode, i kinda dont want it to come cos ill miss it so much when it finishes :( ill just hope they have a sequel to it (even when its all different character, as long as the concept stays the same)
and now to post episodes to