I had a great time today.I spent my time with
paperc boydon verydarkangel.
In the morning i woke up at 8 o'clock.Going to get ready to do a part time job.i work at 10 to 2 .Just 4 hours.Yeah! My neighbor hired me to do that job and they give me a little money.Can i call that a part time job? I also have an english class today.So i need to hurry back home to get my stuff for class.I back home and went out again.Gob called me when i was on the bus that she's going to meet Boyd and Pap in the evening.And she asked me to go there.I said i'm not sure i can go there or not.If i can open my eyes I will go.Because i was so sleepy when she called.So when i finished my class i called Pap that I'm going to see her now. :D
I met them at Starbucks.And then we went to eat Pizza.You know we were like ordered everything they have in Menu.Actually it was just
paperc who ordered 4 or 5 of those food.'Pizza,Salad,Bacon Twist.......'. :P We had eat eat eat and eat.We all are full.So we can not finish all of our food.
After the dinner we went took a photo sticker.I always have an ugly face.Yes i know i know.I'm ugly. haha I love my face.I love the way i look. Yeah!
Here we are 3 awesome peoples in these pics.I'm very happy.I have them in my life. ;)
Formal photo
The red one
I like this pic.
Good luck Boyd.